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One Decade Later...



I'm home for Easter. Today, my mom showed me two pictures: one that she'd taken this morning, when she found me asleep in the computer chair, and my school picture from sixth grade - age ten, exactly ten years ago. Interesting.

It got me thinking about how different I am, now. It's easy to forget about how much you change, since you see it from the inside, as a slow progression. When you look at it in terms of a big gap, like ten years, though...

Ten years ago, I had long hair. Now it's really short.

Ten years ago, I pretended to like football because all the kids at school did. Now, I'm fine letting everyone know that I'm weird.

Ten years ago, I was a fundamentalist Southern Baptist. Now, I'm a non-theist.

Ten years ago, I knew that I was straight. Now, I know that I'm not.

Ten years ago, I hated middle school more than anything. Now, I can't wait to get my degree so I can go teach in a middle school.

Ten years ago, I only listened to the Oldies channel on the radio (everything else was "devil music"). Now, I listen to punk, hardcore, hip-hop, folk, indie, and all kinds of "devil music".

Ten years ago, I was afraid of the dark. Now, I'm a night person.

Ten years ago, I had not yet touched a computer, and had no idea what the internet was. Now, I'm a tech geek working in a computer lab.

Ten years ago, I was rarely allowed to leave my house. Now, I'm barely at home except to sleep.

Ten years ago, I liked to write stories in my free time. Now...well, not everything changes.

Ten years ago:


This morning:


And now, I wonder - ten years from today, will there be nearly as many changes? Any that are as big as some of these? I think I'm pretty secure as to who I am, right now, but ten years ago, I thought the same thing. Ah well.

"Of course, tomorrow morning if our whole system collapsed,

We?d divide ourselves again on lines of gender, race, and class.

But tonight I don?t care if we win a million hearts,

Unless we rip them out their chests and start throwing them at cars!"

-"Johnny" by Tom Frampton


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You looked like that little kid in The Kid. Did you have a lateral lisp as well? (Most people usually get that after they find out they're gay, anyway.)

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Are you saying that the lithp is an affectation put on subconsciously by simply knowing one is gay, and is expected to have it?

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You looked like that little kid in The Kid. Did you have a lateral lisp as well? (Most people usually get that after they find out they're gay, anyway.)
Ha, I did look kinda like the kid from The Kid. And he grew up to be Bruce Willis, who kicks all kinds of ass. Hey.But no, I never had a lisp.
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*Ryan puts on a funny turban and holds an envelope to his head*?Parakeet, buffalo chips, EleCivil.?*Rips the side of the envelope, blows it open and pulls out a card.*?Name a bird, a turd and a nerd.?

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Hah, I'm the nerd? You're the one texting me Carnac jokes in the middle of the night.'Course, I don't deny laughing at them.So...what was my point, again?This calls for an AWKWARD EMOTICON MOMENT. :evilgrin: Yeah. What now, Mr. Miller? What now?

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Hah, I'm the nerd? You're the one texting me Carnac jokes in the middle of the night.'Course, I don't deny laughing at them.So...what was my point, again?This calls for an AWKWARD EMOTICON MOMENT. :evilgrin: Yeah. What now, Mr. Miller? What now?
Aren't you too young to know or even appreciate the Great Carnac?"Sis. Boom. Baaah""What's the sound of an exploding sheep?"
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Too young? May a seasick cat find its way into your Sampsonite.Reno, Diggler, Don Imus.Name a Turk, a Dirk and a Jerk.(No one is too young for Carnac the Magnificent.)

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Too young? May a seasick cat find its way into your Sampsonite.
Too late. Been there done that with my briefcase.
Reno, Diggler, Don Imus.Name a Turk, a Dirk and a Jerk.(No one is too young for Carnac the Magnificent.)
I agree :)
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It took me a minute to realize you said you were ten in sixth grade. Huh.Middle school... hated it. Liked a few friends, liked most of my classes... hated some of the crud that went on, including from many kids. (Most middle school boys stay feral, until somewhere right before high school, they suddenly develop semi-civilized brains. The few who are civilized already, you hang onto as friends.)That photo of you as a kid is close enough to a guy I went to school with to wonder if you're cousins, but I doubt it.Ten years from where you are today -- could be a radical change or could be a lot the same. Most of the change is probably in life experience, and material things. But even your ideals and outlook will change a little.

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