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Daniel and I part ways

Jason Rimbaud


Daniel and I Part Ways(Finally)

After almost three years, Daniel and I have decided to part as roommates. Okay, the truth, Daniel decided, and since it was his house, I agreed. So for the last three weeks I have been busy moving into a nice two bedroom apartment in Redwood City. Please don't make any jokes about finding a "NICE" apartment in Redwood City, it can happen. I swear.

It's okay, I love the new apartment. But there is a fear that I'll go back to my old ways now that I am once again living by myself. Anyone that knows me, knows that a bored Jason is a dangerous Jason. It's not that I love getting into trouble, but when I don't have a stabilizing force to keep me in line, I tend to do the first thing that pops into my head. I'm sure in the coming months you'll hear all about it. But for now, luckily, I've been too involved with work and moving to do anything stupid. But I know it's only a matter of time before the boredom sets in.

But that's not the reason I'm posting today/tonight. During the course of my move, I've realized that I've become somewhat of a clothes whore.

I have:

Eleven jackets (three black leather)

Thirty-two pairs of shoes (two pairs of dress shoes, one black, one burgundy)

Seventeen towels

Forty-five pairs of jeans

Twenty-one pairs of slacks

Thirty something Hoodies

Fifty or so T-shirt's with assorted sayings on the front

Seventeen casual pull over shirts

Thirteen Sweaters (all from the Gap)

Well over a hundred pairs of socks

Seventy-five pairs of underwear (boxers/briefs/boxer briefs/thongs/ect) with twenty pairs of just blue

Thirty-seven button-up shirts

Four suits

Three blazers

Two ties (i need to work on this)

Three large jewerly boxes with assorted rings, necklaces, braclets, ear rings

Nine wallets

Two identical cigarette cases

Thirteen Zippo lighters

Four red Bic lighters

Nine sets of cuff links

And thirty-seven watches, of which fifteen are silver

And sadly, I couldn't bare to throw any of the cothes away as I began packing. Not even the clothes that are so old it's almost like wearing nothing the fabric is so thin and worn. Yes, I know I might have a problem. Believe I know.

It's even worse that all the clothes are color coordinated by type, and in alphabetical order. Though, because I'm left handed, the A's are on the right and the Z's are on the left. And the color is mixed up as well, a dark color, then a light color, then a dark color, so on and so on.

I just realized, as I type this, that I could be the saddest person alive. Let me explain, before you hastily agree with me. The above list is no joke, I actually counted and catologed my clothes as and before I packed. The list is sitting right here next to me. I guess Daniel was right, I do have OCD.

But on the bright side, my apartment is clean, I go even as far as making sure the vacuum cleaner lines are perfectly straight in each room. I know I'm going to end up yelling at my guests for using wire hangers instead of the nice wooden ones sometime in my future but I'm okay with that. I swear

Jason R.

By the way, Daniel and I still remain friends. With his new boyfriend moving in, I was feeling like a third wheel. And besides, it took him so long to find someone, I didn't want to be in the way. Okay, that's all a lie, I didn't want to come home late from work only to find them fucking in the living room. Not a sight I want to see twice in my lifetime.


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Forty Five Pairs of Jeans!I am Gobsmacked ... and actually rather jealous.I have a pierced ear, but can never find a stud (bwahaha)I have ... three pairs of jeans, a few t-shirts, and one decent pair of trainers I wear for everything.And I never thought I'd be discussing my wardrobe on a blog. What is the world coming to.Good luck with the new apartment, and don't get into too much trouble!

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Riiiight! It's not the contents in the list that concern me, it's making the catalogue itself which is somewhat of a concern.Though I must admit 37 watches? That seems a bit too much time to me. If I were to make a list where would I start? With my baby clothes? Okay I guess they could go, I probably won't wear them again. But I am not throwing out my religious T-shirts, you know the ones with the holes in them. (Holy T-shirts, Batman!)As we are talking clothes and getting into trouble, remember what Zorba the Greek said, "To be alive is to take off your pants and look for trouble." Have fun in your new abode Jason. :icon6:

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I was right there, with you all the way, until you got to:Nine walletsTwo identical cigarette casesThirteen Zippo lightersFour red Bic lightersANYONE who thinks of those things as articles of clothing has got a severe problem.Jason, until you put all this stuff into boxes, numbered, and create a spreadsheet that lists each item in each box, with appropriate cross-references, you don't have a problem. Wire coathangers for clothing? You've GOT to be kidding. I thought those things were portable car door opening devices. :icon6:

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Yeah, you ARE a clothes whore. Give a bunch to goodwill or I promise, I will tell you about apartments I've seen in Redwood City (Lincoln Ave) that will make your flesh crawl.PS: Good luck :)

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Hey Camy:What exactly does Gobsmacked mean? I know what jealous means. I'm used to emu's being jealous of me. But I don't think I want an emu being Gobsmacked of me/by me/around me.As for finding a stud, I wish you luck with that. :hiya: I seem to remember you mentioning three pairs of jeans, a few T-shirts, and one decent pair of trainers, but much to my surprise, and maybe why you're having trouble finding a stud, you failed to mentioned underwear. Might I suggest you look into purchasing some. And as for discussing wardrobe on a blog, nobody reads my blog so it's just like you're talking to yours self about your wardrobe. :icon6: As for Desdownunder's comments:I've never heard that quote before, but I really like. "To be alive is to take off your pants and look for trouble."And for Trab:Maybe I can prove that I really don't have a problem, or a severe problem. I have nine wallets, different styles and colors to match what I'm wearing of course. A boy can't wear a nice suit and not have a wallet to match.Same goes for the Zippo lighters, different styles and colors to match what I'm wearing. Cigarette cases just because I LOVE to smoke. I'm smoking right now. and I love itThe four red bics, I can't think of a bad reason much less a good reason. I might have a problem.And that crazy racoon:How 'bout I keep all my clothes, and you come over and tell me all about those apartments. We can open a bottle of wine, maybe get into my fine cigars and do a little bit of chit and chat in the hottub. :hiya: But lets leave out the skin crawling part. *shudders*

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