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After a lot of wranglin' with the financial aid office, I managed to tap into some more grants and scholarships. $12,000 worth, for my 4th year of college (4th year already? Jeez...). I'm almost going for free, now. Awwwwright.

Last night, a friend and I dressed up in full pirate gear to go see Pirates of the Caribbean 3. At the last minute, though, we decided to see Knocked Up instead. We didn't change, though - we figured it'd be even funnier to be dressed as pirates that want to see a Judd Apatow movie than pirates who want to see a pirate movie. It was really good, by the way. Seth Rogan has always been my favorite of Apatow's regulars, all the way back to Freaks and Geeks, so I was glad to see him get a lead role.

There's plans for a Guitar Hero party, soon. Everyone's going to dress as a different musician. I've heard people planning for Elvis, Gene Simmons, Kurt Cobain, John Lennon, and Claudio Sanchez. I've already got an Ian MacKaye costume planned, even though nobody there is going to know who Ian MacKaye is (philistines). I'll have to DIY a t-shirt with the lyrics to "Out of Step" on it.

"I Don't smoke,

Don't drink,

Don't fuck,

At least I can fucking think!"

-"Out of Step (with the World)" by Minor Threat


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How the hell are you going to dress up as Ian Mackaye? Isn't that how you already dress?Methinks you're taking the easy way out, my friend.

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Okay, here's where I date myself (No, not that way. I mean make myself passe. Oh, wait, I'm already that.) Which one is Seth Rogan? I liked/disliked Freaks and Geeks. Loved the boys, hated the destructive choices the girl made. Maybe I was supposed to. But I'm wondering who the favorite, Seth Rogan was. The geeky guy, who was done spectacularly, the cute guy who ran around school nude, or the pudgy guy? Or was he the band guy the girl liked?I'm very happy the finances are looking better. I think we all are.C

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How the hell are you going to dress up as Ian Mackaye? Isn't that how you already dress?
Pretty much, except, like I said, I'll make an "Out of Step" shirt and put X's on the backs of my hands. It may be taking the easy way out, but he's the only musician I really like that has enough of a distinctive look.
But I'm wondering who the favorite, Seth Rogan was. The geeky guy, who was done spectacularly, the cute guy who ran around school nude, or the pudgy guy? Or was he the band guy the girl liked?
http://www.pajiba.com/images/freaks2.jpgHe's the one at the top of this cast shot. Though the geeky guy and the band guy are both in the movie, too.
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Thanks for IDing him. Now, my only problem is, I don't remember him at all! It's funny because I can recall everyone else in that picture, but not him.My problem is, I didn't see some of the episodes, and I suppose he might not have been in them all. The show was aired or Friday nights here, and I was usually out then, and I tend not to watch a whole lot of TV anyway. Though why I feel the need to apologize is somewhat scary.I did think it was unexpectedly fine writing for a teen show, and wish it had continued. I guess I'm not alone in that.Cole

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