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Supervisors, Stripping, and Songs



The other day at work, my favorite customer came in. She's incredibly sarcastic and candid. Most people who work there get offended by her, but myself and a couple others think she's the best. She was arguing with my supervisor and one of the other work-studies. I was hanging around reading poetry (Maya Angelou, specifically) when she looks over at me and says "Why do you guys even keep him around? What good is he?"

The other work study says, "Well...he doesn't do much, but he's fun to look at."

My supervisor nods. "Yeah. Eye candy."

At this point, I'm blushing like crazy, so I'm glad when I notice one of the students is looking for assistance, beckoning me over with her finger. I get up, and our favorite customer says (loudly enough for almost everybody to hear) "Oh, look, she's making him come with just one finger. That's impressive." Heh...best customer ever.

I called off sick from work to go to a show last night. David Dondero, Matt & Kim, and Against Me! were playing five minutes from my house - I would have felt horrible sitting at work while that was going on. It was great.

Dondero opened. He plays bluesy folk, but he always seems to open for punk shows. I used one of his songs while student-teaching to teach kids about figurative language, so it was cool to see him live. He played a cover of Jawbreaker's classic song, "Boxcar".

Matt & Kim were a lot better than I thought they would be. They play dancey, cuddlecore-ish music with a keyboard and drums. I didn't like them very much when I heard their CD, but their live show is MUCH better. I was expecting it to be pretty tame, but they actually got a pretty good mosh pit going. I got a busted lip during "Yea Yeah" and a cut across an eyebrow during "Lightspeed", which was cool, because I got to show off my battlescars and blood trails for the rest of the night.

Matt mentioned that it was their first time in our city, and that we made a good impression on him because of what he described as a "Strip-fooseball game" going on in the back of the club. He said something along the lines of "There's this totally ripped guy back there playing fooseball with his clothes off. Maybe you get really sweaty playing fooseball. I don't know, I'm not a pro. I'd get in on that, but you don't want to see any of this. Kim's been trying to get me to do some push-ups, so that I can...look like a man." Later on, he and some random dude from the audience had a stripping contest on stage.

Against Me! was great. They played six or seven songs from their new CD, and a bunch from their older ones. They came back for two encores, playing "Impact" and, on request from the audience, "Baby, I'm an Anarchist" (which is one of their best songs, ever).

About halfway through Matt and Kim's set, it started raining. There was a leak in the roof right above the pit, so there were a couple streams of water falling right on us. The boring people were fighting to get away, while the fun people were fighting to get under there and splash the boring people. I was in the pit all night (~4 hours), so I came out soaked in sweat (not all of it mine) and rainwater.

If this show comes to your town, you should go. It's incredible.

"'Cause baby, I'm an anarchist, you're a spineless liberal.

We marched together for the eight-hour day and held hands in the streets of Seattle,

But when it came time to throw bricks through that Starbucks window,

You left me all alone..."

-"Baby, I'm an Anarchist" by Against Me!


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I had to read the blog entry just to see if "Stipping" was a new word. OK, so it's a typo. It sounds like tipping by stripping, but depending on the one stripping, that might be a "pay to put their clothes back on" kind of thing... or not. Tipping while stripping? Tipping for stripping? Ahem, never mind, moving on.-----About work -- sounds like a fun customer and a fun place. If they start gettin' too friendly, bring garlic. Or anchovies. Canned asparagus?-----Should I admit I'd probably avoid the leak in the roof? Does that make me a less daring person? Perhaps I should rethink things. Hahaha. -- Umbrella mosh? Scuba mosh? Is that like a punk rain dance?

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:) Customers like that can be fun. It's amazing how some people can say things like that and not offend everyone around.What I found interesting was that your supervisor admitted that they pay you to be eye-candy. That's a tough job, but I suppose someone has to do it....

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