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Three days and Two Nights of HEAVEN

Jason Rimbaud


So I'm off on a romantic weekend getaway. Three days and two nights of pure bliss. I rented a beach house in Santa Cruz, and I'm bringing my laptop, a few bottles of wine, and a cooler filled with food. I plan on doing nothing for three days, and hopefully, I won't even see another living human.

For some of you, this might sound very un-romantic. But for me, being completely alone for a few days is my little slice of heaven. I always seem to be able to recharge myself after taking a few days off. So, maybe this will give me the chance to finish a new short story I've been working on the last few months. After all, it's about a beach, a boy....well, you'll have to wait and read all about it later.

Hope everyone has a good weekend, I'm off.

Jason R.


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I understand fully. Some of my best times have been sitting on a beach, the wind blowing up a storm of spray, me huddled under a small waterproof, windproof poncho. Others think I'm nuts, but I love it. My mind goes somewhere far away, and is happy and content. I hope you have that same wonderful feeling during your time away. :)

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My muse adores solitude. Here's hoping you have a great time.Be good ... and if you can't be good, be careful. :lol: CamyPS can't wait to read the result ... oh yeah, how's your microphone technique coming along? - Bwahaha! :lol:

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