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The world of Emu



I ain't blogged in an age, so seeing as how I'm in the mood I thought I would.

I'm now past halfway in my NaNoWriMo tale 'Harvest Time', which started out being one thing and has now turned into something else. I still have faith that it will be a good something else, but who knows.

That's the trouble with being a pantser. One the one hand it's like exploring a vast empty city - you're constantly surprised - and on the other you really, really wish you'd thought about it a bit before you set off, and had a map.

I went through my 'work in progress' folder yesterday, and found a whole slew of stories that I'd forgotten I'd started. It was actually rather nice, 'cause I read them fresh, and with dispassion.

There are painters who hang up a bunch of canvases, then paint them as they see fit. If they get stuck with one they move on to another - which is all very well, provided at some point you finish them. I feel similar, though I have almost too many half written and not enough close to being finished. Hmm.

And then there's The Dude! He shocked the hell out of me the other day, by saying he wanted me to be part of the AD Family of sites. :hehe: I don't have a webcam, so he missed the point where I fell off my chair and hastily dusted myself off. He also missed the dance I did ... which was like this - but for one:


The cats told me it was 'entertaining'.

Then - 'cause I'm a total moron with money, my bank hates me, and I couldn't do it myself - Dude organises camysgaff.com. There was a repeat of the falling off the chair followed a dance thing. Though this time cats stalked off shaking their heads.

The best thing was that when I woke up the next morning, it wasn't all a dream! :cry::lol::lol:

Back to 'Harvest Time'

Camy :hug:


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I went through my 'work in progress' folder yesterday, and found a whole slew of stories that I'd forgotten I'd started. It was actually rather nice, 'cause I read them fresh, and with dispassion.
I have sometimes done the same myself, even to the point of wondering, "who wrote this stuff?"Camy, you do realise that in 400 years time some archaeologist will discover the work folder on your hard disc, hidden of course in an attic in Sussex. Your stories will be sold for billions of pounds at Sotheby's, students will eagerly study them and academics will ponder their hidden symbolism, whilst the hard disc itself will be sealed behind a protective force-field in the National Museum of Gay Literature along with a picture of your cats watching you dance. :icon1:
And then there's The Dude! He shocked the hell out of me the other day, by saying he wanted me to be part of the AD Family of sites
I am very happy for you Camy. Congratulations! :lol:
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