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happy new year my ass

Jason Rimbaud


aw man, hospitals suck. but the nurse who took my chest x=ray was cute. and when he told me to take off my shirt, it took a moment to realize that we weren't going to have sex. not that i could in my condition but my mind is still a pervert.

Jason R.


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My God, Jason; you have the nerve to tell us you were in hospital and not tell us what is wrong and whether or not you are improving. Shame on you. You should know by know that many of us really care about you. And the thought of having sex with a great looking nurse is NOT being a pervert. Hell, just having that thought is enough to know you're not TOO badly off.

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My God, Jason; you have the nerve to tell us you were in hospital and not tell us what is wrong and whether or not you are improving. Shame on you.
Trab, you're right: not filling us in on the what's and why's of the hospital visit was bad, indeed, even shameful. But it doesn't hold a candle to him setting us up for his visit with Mark, and then comletely abandoning the subject, leaving us all hanging with our mouths open and drool hanging from our lips in suspenseful anticipation.People complain I write cliffhanger chapters. I don't write about that in real life, however. I leave that to Jason.C
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So true, Cole. Maybe it is all related? One thing led to another and finally a visit to the hospital.
Man, I hadn't thought of that, but what an interesting possibility. And even if it isn't true, I think we've got the beginnings of a great story going here.C
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