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Beach, love, wind ups, writing, and stuff



I like blog categories. I've just created a new one called 'Waffley Truth' which is ... umm ... pretty much what it says. In fact as it covers such a multitude of sins, I think I'm falling in love with it. I used to use 'Claptrapish' and 'off the rails' a lot, but 'Waffley Truth is now definitely number one. Numero uno. Bilingual me.

I'm working (jolly, jolly hard) to finish last years NaNoWriMo novel before I have to start on this years one. Actually, it's rather good, even though I do say so myself. It's good for a number of reasons, but the main one is that it's almost finished. Yay me.

M wound me up something rotten. He told me he'd been offered a flat near London. I felt my lower lip begin to quiver, felt the prickling of tears behind the eyes - we were on the beach at the time and it wasn't the wind. Then he told me he wouldn't leave, and all was suddenly right with the world. Git.

After reading Bruin's excellent 'Boarding School' series I felt it incumbent of me to write about what happens in the holidays to those who go to boarding school. I dug around in the old memory drive - it's more like a large and rather dented dustbin - and came up with 'Simon and the chimney stack'. As true a tale as you're ever likely to read. Hmm, yah. Anyway, it's in the Flash Fiction forum, which seems, sadly, to have gone a tad quiet. Feel free to write and submit some stories of your own.

Ave. I'm away to my pit, perchance to dream of all sorts of rather nice things.


PS if anybody knows how to import a file from a canon camcorder into Final Cut and keep the audio in sync I'd love to know how.


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It's not just Canon camcorders, it's not just Final Cut, audio sync seems to be a problem generally - and I haven't got it cracked. I used to have a PC with a digital TV tuner card which could schedule and record TV programmes. Very successful so long as I then watched the programmes on the PC. But if I burned them to DVD the audio sync always went adrift. Sometimes by several seconds. Hilarious. Never got to the bottom of it, although there are lots of techie websites devoted to advice on the subject. Use a very fast PC seems to be the best advice....You've put it in writing now, so you've got to do it. NaNoWriMo in November here we come! Go get last year's finished, I'll work on finishing mine and we'll both be raring to go by Nov 1st.Now go give M a big hug and tell him it's from your webmates.Bruin :icon5:

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just for you camy, i've posted in flash fiction.jason
:icon5: WOW!!! Thanks, Jason! I say wow because 'Struggling to See the Light' is excellent. My hat is doffed.
You've put it in writing now, so you've got to do it. NaNoWriMo in November here we come! Go get last year's finished, I'll work on finishing mine and we'll both be raring to go by Nov 1st.
Aye aye!
Now go give M a big hug and tell him it's from your webmates.
:wink: It'll be a pleasure!
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Guest Kapitano can't be bothered to log on


Ah yes, audio sync. The perenial and neverending problem of video. I've been tackling it for years, and still haven't got a full-proof system. But here's a few thoughts,1) Capture both the video and the audio is as uncompressed a format as possible. For the video stream I generally use MJPEG or Huffyuv, and for the audio PCM. This puts a reduced strain on your CPU, making desyncing less likely.It also gives you frame-accurate editing, and if the audio does wind up shifted forward or back - or worse, stretched or squashed in duration relative to the video - it's easier to correct.2) Sometimes audio capture settings just work better on some capture card than other settings. I once had a system where the audio always progressively lagged behind the video when it was recorded at 44.1MHz in mono. But it synced perfectly when recording in 48MHz and stereo. The reason was that some audio codecs have a slightly different idea about what 44.1MHz exactly means than some others.3) If possible, interleave the audio and video streams tightly - I use a 10ms interleave, which is four interleaves per second at 25fps. If you can't do this at the capture state, you can use VirtualDub to save an interleaved copy of the capture, and also shift the audio forward or back if you need to.

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