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Happy New Year! :)




Happy New Year! I hope that 2009 will be better than last year and 2007 since I had recieved deaths of people I knew from school. It is really hard to ring in 2009 without Saul. In three months, it will be Quintin and Saul's first death anniversary. I am not looking foward to it. My heart is really hurting and still is. It will never go away, knowing that I lost a very good friend.

Christmas was good, but it was the first time I experienced it without Saul. We always go to Christmas party or New Year party of our friends, but this time, I didn't really feel really cheerful at these parties when I was with friends. My Christmas break with my family is good. All of you may know that I do not have an excellent relationship with my father since the whole thing happened last spring, but I gave him a present, well because he is my family, no matter how bad our relationship is. On Christmas day, I visited Saul's grave and I did something special for him alone. I am not going to discuss about what I did is special for him because it is very personal to me and I'd rather to keep it private (only my bros, Tara, Saul's parents and 3 friends know about that). I apologize for that but it is very personal. I talked with him, which is comforting for me. I always know that Saul is with me always and forever, no matter that he is gone. To tell you the truth, he is never gone, and he is just right there. I miss you so much...

I had fun times with Tara on Christmas and New Years. :) I got her a wonderful Christmas gift and I love the gift she gave me. lol. I'm excited that next month is Valentine's Day. The good thing about Valentine's day is that it is on Saturday, meaning that I can go home on Friday afternoon. I have few ideas what to do something special for Tara. :)

Holy shit, I have got my essay test back in Modern American History class and I was afraid to know if I failed...When I take a look at my grade and was shocked to find out that I got a 94! HOLY SHIT! It was my first essay test in Modern American History! I'm glad, so far. Well, my other classes went well and I get excellent grades so far. I went to parties few times and well, I remember the Halloween party WAS WILD that the campus officers ended up to come to break up the party. I am just glad that it wasn't me who planned that party. I was just a guest at the party and let me tell you all, it was fun. :) The reason why I don't party too much unlike others is because I need to focus on my grades in classes.

Ok, I have to run now, so I hope that y'all have a good day! :)

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