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Buried under the weight of words.



No one told me that when, over the course of 23 years, you accumulate roughly eight metric assloads of books, you eventually have to MOVE eight metric assloads of books. To a third floor apartment. With no elevator.

Sweet Fancy Moses, this is gonna take forever.


Yes, those are all books.

But on the plus side...I've got a lot of books. :icon11:

Also, I've got a new place that's fairly close to my new job. Best thing about the new place? I can finally get broadband access. Up until now, I've been scraping by on my gas-powered 56k connection.

"Our aspirations are wrapped up in books,

Our inclinations are hidden in looks."

"Wrapped Up in Books" by Belle and Sebastian


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Now you can read all the books online with you broadband connection, and we hope to see more of you... :razz: I hope being closer to your new job means you will more time for leisure and fun stuff. :hug:

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Interesting. I didn't realise book were weighed by the assload. Is that a metric or an imperial assload? :)Camy.
I'm speaking of metric Assloads, 8 of which comes to about 5.87 Fucktons when converted to the imperial system.
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Interesting. I didn't realise book were weighed by the assload. Is that a metric or an imperial assload? :)Camy.
I'm speaking of metric Assloads, 8 of which comes to about 5.87 Fucktons when converted to the imperial system.
Ah! That makes perfect sense, though the correct term is, according to the European Union statutes, a Fucktoneroony - something to do with a minor subsection of the German/Anglo-French/Arabic transliteration of the code of Fahrenheit 451.
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Real, printed books, yay!Now if only there were a really good, DRM-free way to have those digital and portable.After all, carrying eight fucktonaroonies or eight humongassloads of big, bulky books has got to be tough.Look, EleCivil has muscles...reading muscles!

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