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Everything posted by eric312

  1. I actually like that idea! I'll have to look through my photos and see if I can find a couple that would be good to base a story.
  2. Okay, I've come to the conclusion that I am missing the writer gene. After staring at a blank screen for two days, I've decided to stick to what I know. When I look at almost anything, I can see a photograph needing to be taken. It could be an animal, a stream, a person, or just an open field. I always have my camera with me just in case I see something that would make a great photo. Taking pictures is my way of relaxing and seeing the beauty in the world. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Maybe, I can create a novel through the photos that I have taken over the last 30 plus years that will tell the story I wish I could write.
  3. I've always been envious of people who can write stories, novellas, novels, anything. I would give my eye teeth to be able to write a story, just one, but I have no clue how to start. I've tried, believe me. I just can't think of anything to write about. How do you come up with a story line that you can flesh out into something more?
  4. Thanks! I needed a good laugh today!
  5. I got tired of IE a long time ago. It took forever for a page to load and it would freeze up all the time. I switched to Firefox and have had no problems since.
  6. Gee Whillickers has become one of my favorite authors. I admit I have quite a few favorites, but GW's stories are fun to read. I especially like the WTF factor!
  7. I was going to ask if he was qualified to officiate a legal marriage. I guess he is. He was ordained by the Universal Life Church Monastery. Just ask. They'll ordain anyone...free of charge! Hmmm, maybe I should become a minister too. You can't swing a cat in Alabama without hitting a minister, pastor, reverend, or whatever!
  8. Now what should I do with this email address for the principal of this poor kid's school?
  9. What's will it take to finally get schools to stop this kind of behavior? This wasn't just an attack, it was a hate crime and should be prosecuted as such!
  10. That was incredible! I wish I was creative enough to do something like that!
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