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Posts posted by Paul_and_Paco

  1. Ah, la vache!

    It literally translates to Oh, The Cow! It is used to express wonder and disbelief... sort of like an universal OH MY GOD!!! Without the girlish gushing inflection.

    Hi to you, too. I will leave the voices to Paco, his dropped. So... voice is out, as well. I really was just wishing. Thanks though.

  2. I apologize. But, on this site I have only found authors to be treated with respect, especially budding ones.

    A few months ago I hyped a Nifty story to a friend, I knew he would see what I did. I just got lucky as he did promote it here. I think it has a lot to do with Nifty's reputation, almost anything can and is posted there. Maybe AwesomeDude.com is just a bit more hightone? Personally, I expect it has more to do with the ease of posting... lots of people suck at computers.

  3. This kind of discussion never came up in our household, over who was partnering with who. Sometimes there was a private discussion about what was going on behind closed doors. hand.gif However, much was said about making sure everyone was protected, both physically, and the adults who were together, by legal contracts and Powers of Attorney, as my parents live in a state that will never... I mean never vote for gay marriage.

  4. I think a lot of the opposition has to do, not with race or gender or even god forbid religion, but with just being different. People are always scared of differences. "Why does she have neon-green hair?" "Does he not know all those rings makes him look trashy?" "Have you ever seen how those people say they worship God?"

    Not all gays look or act effeminate... right? So, in essence, these people are just scared of a concept. They are generationally taught to fear differences, even perceived differences.

  5. The only problem is there are more of them than of us. I once heard a dumbass in a local coffee shop say "I can tell a fag a mile away, they show up like a turd in a punchbowl!" He was joined by almost everyone in the place, nodding their silly heads as they looked around to make sure everyone else saw them agreeing. Sheep!

    My cretin-dar works just fine.

  6. The most thoughtful line in the entire article:

    "A child being brought up in a loving home is far more important - and that quality of parenting is far more important - than any of the criticisms that have been waged by this group of individuals,"

    I know my parents love me, they show it every day. They show me what love is really all about... respect and devotion to family, gay str8 or somewhere in between. All of us are adopted in one way or another. With two gay couples as parents, I think we will turn out just fine!

  7. I much prefer to have a real book in my hands. I spend enough time getting eyestrain looking at screens. But, if I have to, then it is the laptop for me. I have several ereaders on it, and it is a nice new lightweight one. But books are still best!

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