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Tragic Rabbit

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Posts posted by Tragic Rabbit

  1. I thought Dear Abby gave friendly advice, but this is hateful. How will it help anyone to do what DA suggests? Seems so mean, so pointless and, honestly, they aren't going to feel an outsider has any right to comment on a family tragedy. Just seems terribly unfeeling, even for someone to ask if they should--much too confrontational, pointless and selfish. Why is this girl even sticking her oar in, thinking of ranting on about her suspicions? What if the parents are right anyhow and she just hasn't a clue, after all, she's not the guy. She has her own reasons for wanting them to think that but it's in no way helpful or respectful. How old is she? Gah...people.

    Gosh, I love my cats.


  2. TR-

    Where's super-strength?


    Well, like you (or someone) said, it was just a short-list. I love Superman but might love his humility more than his super-strength. I know, I know: he's the Big Blue Boyscout. Does he never get into Lois Lane's pants? How about Jimmy Olsen's? :sneaky:

    Batman is very cool but has no superpowers, you know, unless being rich is a superpower. :hehe:

    I think the only ones I'd choose would be optional invisibility, for all the sneaky perving I could do, or, more seriously, the ability to heal. Healing seems like the only really and truly beneficial 'power', no matter what all the various five-color superheroes can do.


    I remember Shazzam from comic books but only vaguely. My dad was a fan of all kinds of superheroes, with him I joined the Superman Fan Club, which he'd belonged to since he was about ten years old. My dad still knows the entire secret formula of Johnny Quick! :icon_geek: Anyone else even know who that is? Dad's in his 70s.

    If time-traveling were an option, I'd really want that one, though.

    Flying and such, I do that in dreams and it's not always so nice...is it only me who falls sometimes? :omg: Maybe I need more practice...


    :cry: TR, (sometimes) fearful of flying

  3. You'll have to get used to him exploring his sexuality but he may also have too much unsupervised time alone.

    God forbid a boy should have too much unsupervised time alone. :bunny:

    Incidentally, I think people can be gay, but not images.

    Paranoia will destroy ya...

    :wav: TR

  4. If you were an evolved superhero, with advanced genetic mutations and whatnot, what kind of power would you have?

    Choose one:


    Induced Radioactivity


    Rapid Cell Regeneration




    Dream Manipulation




    Intuitive Aptitude

    Enhanced Strength


    Empathic Mimicry


    Enhanced Hearing

    Space-Time Manipulation


    Mental Manipulation

  5. Bingo. I think that controlling personalities are drawn to having power over others and, at the risk of sounding crude, they get off on it.

    School authorites, cops, anti-smoking nazis: they all get a rush by imposing their will over others.

    Listen, guys, I tried to explain this before about US public schools: principals don't 'have power', unless you consider that teachers 'have power', the two are about equally powerless in the school district scenario.

    Yes, cops have actual power on campus and sometimes will exercise it, any sort of local lobby no matter how wacko (like the 'smoking nazis' mentioned) may have, take or be given 'power' to dictate school policy, yes. Given by local voters, btw, not amorphous forces.

    What 'power' teachers and on-site admin have is very limited.

    The available space for any individual adult (teacher or admin) to act against expectations is highly circumscribed.

    Principals are usually appointed by higher admin in the district but even so are subject to approval in their placement and in any and every action by that same school board...and the same upper admin yabbos who put his/her name forward in the first place.

    Things happen in schools because of parental or other outside complaints (how 'active' the parents are depends on the sort of district it is), school board rulings, higher political rulings trickling down (yes, like pee), and the generally confused checkers game of administrator movement within the district (they hope it's slowly upward, despite a few side-ways movements).

    Stuff happens....well, either because some ruling or decision has been made, often outside the district and school system entirely, or a new directive has come down from the board (who are almost always locally elected people, a fellow debater was elected while we were both still in high school, for example, though they're usually much older).

    Now here's one interesting bit--they are all HIGHLY CONSERVATIVE in that, for example, they will often move and make decisions based on what the board has previously indicated is acceptable. In other words, any groove previously worn will tend to attract motion again. Examples would include any reaction to individual student issues-- like this one.

    This also applies to many teachers, btw. To protect oneself and almost without thinking, one slides into the nearest familiar groove. Penalizing kids for whatever the current contraband is would definitely fall into that category. Teachers are often heavily pressured to make searches or confiscate items in the current contraband category, even when they personally have no interest in doing so.

    Contraband items for any given school at any given time can include obvious items like knives or 'stink bombs', as well as less obvious items like sharp jewelry, candy (sometimes specific types, definitely large quantities of anything for resale on school grounds), anything currently listed as 'gang related' identifiers (can be as simple an item as a blue handkerchief), any item that plays music aloud, any item that can be used to cheat on classwork and tests, stolen items, dead animals, insects....

    The list may be long, of both written and understood contraband items plus anything that teacher or his/her department do not allow (example: types of calculators in math dept during testing or anything likely to disrupt a dissection lab).

    I'm not defending anyone's actions, I'm trying to explain How Things Work in American public schools from my years of experience.

    :smile: TR

  6. Please form two lines.

    One at my back and one at my front. :wav:

    Reminds me of an old video I once saw, wherein a talented fellow put his front right around at his back. Rather amazing on several levels and yet...deeply disturbing. Was it you, Des? Or perhaps it was an overachieving divorce attorney.



  7. Cole-

    The Witch trials were very much a Puritan thing and date back to the Inquisition. Under Henry the VIII th, the Catholic Church and the Church of England split around ~1530. The Church of England (now called Anglican or Episcopal) became mainstream and the Puritans were the radical conservatives ....

    Ah, no, no, James, James, you've made the classic mistake, but that's okay, it's rooted in ye olde spelling mistayke--to wit, the famous 'trials' in Salem were WATCH TRIALS, not 'witch' trials.

    There are no such things as witches, silly, but watches, now, many wars have been fought over the correct time! Puritans were famous clockwatchers but never remembered to wind the things, so were always in the wrong when they'd take someone to court over CLOCKS and WATCHES.

    After CoE and Episcopalians became mainstream, adopting Greenwich Mean Tyme and later Daylight Savings, the Puritans and other timeless Fools were left barking and gnawing their fingernails in frustration---resulting in a terrible persecution across NorthEastern America in ye olden days over What Time It Really Was.

    Puritans 2, Sane People 8,634,201 at last check.

    Pay all that no mind, Cole et al.

    To find out the Real Time, just stick your head out the door and read the sundial. Fear not, no more Watch Trials in these enlightened days.

    What's good enough for G. Julius Caesar is surely good enough for us!

    Unfortunately, fundamnalist christians still haven't learned to spell two centuries on.


    :wav: TR

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