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Steven Keiths

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About Steven Keiths

  • Birthday 07/09/1948

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    Northern Caifornia

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  1. I had no idea this story already had a "thread." I inadvertently started two by accident. My internet went kaput and when I returned I didn't see the post I had posted. So, now there are three "threads." Anyway, to the topic: I agree with Rich wholeheartedly. Beautifully told, and stock just went up at the Kleenex factory.
  2. This is a beautifully rendered story of young love and how two boys meet and how they cope as one is terminally ill. Very nicely written. Alan takes us through the gamut of emotions of the two boys and emotions of other characters in this story. I feel it is a very moving and thought provoking story.
  3. Great story on many levels for me. I liked the sexual confusion. I liked the resolution of the sexual confusion. Both seemed so real, much as I experienced my own sexual discovery. I liked the tension between Trevor, Chase and Tory. Well, the game young Trevor played I guess would be better than using 'tension'. I like mysteries, and this had that element added. As far as the computer lingo: it worked for me, but then what do I know. I think the only problem I had with the story--and it's very minor--was the distraught mother at the beginning and as the story unfolded, the mother didn't seem as though she would be. As I said, a picky point and did nothing to distract from our Mr. Cole's gifted story telling abilities.
  4. Totally unexpected, Cole. I do agree that this would, in my mind, be a great deterrent.
  5. Okay, at first I groaned, then I smiled. Wonderful play on words; or playing with words.
  6. Excellent story, tragic indeed, but I loved the tad of humor between the lovers.
  7. I too do not know what 'ming' means. My guess was mingle--Hey, I'm not a poet. I loved this piece, however.
  8. I'm of the mind that kids should not be tried as adults--they are not adults--no matter how heinous the crime. I'll even concede to the notion of "the bad seed syndrome,' no matter how loving an upbringing a child has been given, they can turn out to be just rotten kids. This however is a rare syndrome. And even in this circumstance, I still do not believe being tried as an adult is justified or an answer. Children do not come into this world with hate. It is learned. Teen years at best are riddled with all sorts of problems and challenges: peer pressure, religious indoctrination, etc. At 14, in my mind, there is hope to turn a kid around, even if they commited a terrible crime. I truly feel for the family of the victim as well as the family of the perpetrator. I think justice should be served. Get this kid help. To me this would be fair and just. Sometimes I think we as a society want to exact revenge or avenge--normal feelings I agree. However, no one comes out a winner. This is my humble opinion and I know many will disagree. I pose this query: What do we gain, or who gains by trying this kid as an adult?
  9. No, the govenor, at that time, Arnold Schwarzenneger (sp?) did not veto the legislation. It was Prop 8 that was approved by the voters that put a halt to gay marriage. Now, of course, it is in the courts. Arnold is (was) not apposed to such a bill. Our current Gov. Jerry Brown thinks government has no business legislating marriage in this sense.
  10. Are we sure he's a polotician? Afterall, he made sense.
  11. And I'm dense, I didn't realize it was a commercial. I was wrapped up in the ingenuity of the damn thing.
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