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Posts posted by Drewbie

  1. "ADF has more than 1,000 allied attorneys who are available to assist you if you run into complications with school officials or pro-homosexual advocacy groups on your campus."

    The website continues:

    "We are merely trying to point those who struggle with homosexual behaviour to Christ?s love and healing.

    "When Christ loved someone, like the woman caught in adultery, he did not condemn her but expressed compassion for her. He also gave her the loving admonition to "go now and leave your life of sin" (John 8:11). As followers of Jesus Christ, we cannot sit idly by while someone is trapped in sinful behaviour that separates him or her from God.

    "We must be able to show people their need for a relationship with Jesus Christ, which often comes through illuminating the sinfulness of their behaviour that separates them from their loving God."

    The Alliance Defense Fund has many connections with Christian ex-gay organizations that claim that LGBT persons can change to heterosexuality through prayer, intervention and psychological counselling.

    The Alliance Defense Fund receives funding from Focus on the Family, a group that also funds Exodus Ministries. ADF also lists Exodus as an allied organization on their webpage.

    Resources for the group?s ?Day of Truth? event were prepared by Exodus Ministries, which claims to be able to help LGBT persons become heterosexual, included in their "Homosexuality FAQ Sheet."

    The fact sheet reports a 52 percent success rate for treating "unwanted homosexual attraction."

    Ugh This makes me want to puke

  2. Like a few others on here, I do say that's so gay as well, or me and a friend say yea he's really faggy or a fag. Doesn't mean I hate other gays, word fag doesn't bother me. and if some jock said it, there been a idiot , know it doesn't make sense.

    wasn't to long ago, when I was in middle school, heard from others as well, I know like, when kids say don't be a faggot, is saying don't be a weak person, nothing to do with gays, it seems every word has many reasons, granted I don't say certain words with people unless they would get what im saying, still some will take a word a wrong way.

  3. I will always regret that we were alive at the same time and I didn't get a chance to kick his *&^%$(ing ass.

    I am reminded of a line from a story in which the protagonist was ditching a particulary decietful and evil lover:

    "You are just a piece of s**t I stepped in and it will take a long time to get you off my soul."

    Wish I could meet him so I could of yelled him, or least did some nasty kissing in front of him.

  4. I think you're being too hard on Vista, James.

    All operating systems are temporary, in the grand scheme of things. In this case, I think Vista is a step forward: it looks better, it's very stable, and it resists viruses and other flaws a lot better than any previous version of Windows.

    I think there are some bad things about Vista, like the awful Digital Rights Management issues, plus the "Genuine Advantage" b.s. But in general, it's a pretty solid OS.

    Let's see how it compares to Mac OSX 10.5 (aka Leopard) in a few months. I intend to use both, myself, though I would argue that OSX works better for what I do with computers.

    I do find however that osx works better for me for what I do too. With windows, there is supposed to be a new os in a few a years, if it isn't drmed to death I might buy that one.

  5. In DTP, If someone steals my work lets say overseas, It better be something very important just to sue is alot of money, first lawyers fee's and all, There are a few countries that allow you to use peer to peer programs. I believe more in shareware or freeware, like open office, I don't have it yet, but next computer I won't be buying ms office. I hate the Muisc association, bunch of scum bags, ripping ppl off, most artist get their money from concerts, corporation get the money from cd sales.

    I buy all my stuff, I do download freewhere that is free, I find sometimes free software is better then the ones companies charge you. I buy my own fonts, I do however find most fonts that you buy is better then the free ones, I don't like drm technology, it screws up quality forces you to use a certin type of program, now with the new vista, everything is drmed, NO more trusting public, I don't see myself buying windows anymore.

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