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Cole Parker

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Posts posted by Cole Parker

  1. Heh, Cole - Intuitive Aptitude, in the Heroes-verse, is the ability to instantly understand complex systems, both mechanical and biological. Probably political/sociological, too, but that hasn't been shown yet, since the character with that particular power is a sociopath.

    Yeah, I figured my definition of Intuitive Aptitude might not be the correct one. But defining it like I did allowed me to create some whimsy, and that was fun, so I went with it.

    When I was young, my favorite super hero was a nerdy sort of radio station boy news reporter named Billy Batson who screamed Shazam every time he got in trouble with the evil, and bald, Dr. Savannah, and was struck by a lightening bolt. I think they do these things with a little bit more sophistication today.


  2. And on this side of the big pond, we spell it 'synaesthesians'

    Bruin, Bear

    On this side of the pond we don't spell it at all.

    Even looking it up was difficult, but I perservered. Now, if I ever have a use for that word, all I'll have to do is remember it.

    Both are unlikely.


  3. I'd go with Intuitive Aptitude. Practical enough for everyday use, and incredibly awesome while still being easy to hide.

    Funny what gets you thinking, but this did it for me. All sorts of thoughts, too. The first one was probably, what sort of person would choose this item off that list? I mean, I get it when someone wants to be faster than a speeding bullet, leap buildings--hell, they can be tall or short for all that matters, they?re buildings, for God?s sake--in a single bound, and the being more powerful than a locomotive bit sounds neat and totally cool in that it defies the laws of physics, like it isn?t every day that my 160 pounds is going to stand on a railroad track, facing off against the ginormous size and lumbering tons of a locomotive and actually stop the mother, and doing that always sounded like a fun thing to do, even if it did make my wrists sore. So doing things like that, having the ability to do things like that, makes sense. Flying, seeing through things, being stronger than anyone else, and faster, too, being able to become invisible or hear a conversation being whispered four blocks away underground in the middle of a heavy metal concert, all that seems a given for a kid?s wish list. But Intuitive Aptitude? Give me a break here!

    In the first place, I?m not even sure what that is. What it sounds like is some sort of super-sized intuition. So it?s kind of girly, right? Intuition, girly, yeah. But maybe what he?s thinking is, it?s some sort of advanced version of gaydar, and what gay kid wouldn?t like to have one of those, right out of the box?

    But I still have to think, of that list, good gaydar might not be the preferred choice. Let?s think on it a sec.

    Okay, so you?re in a bad part of town, it?s just a little after midnight, and you tell your friends you?ve had enough bar hopping for the night and just need to be alone. They?re thinking you?re depressed; you?re thinking jock itch and scratching. So you walk away into the fog. The only sounds you hear are the lapping of the cold ocean water against the docks two blocks away, a lonely foghorn stirring the hairs on the back of your neck, the occasional bark of a dog being territorial, and a drunk barfing in a doorway. You walk on and think there might be footsteps behind you. You look and see nothing. Still, your heart is beating a little faster.

    You see a dark alley ahead and slip into it. I mean, why not? Doesn?t everyone walk alone into dark alleys late at night in the bad part of town? Well, you do, because, well, because you?re endowed with super powers. You have Intuitive Aptitude.

    You?re well off the street now, back in the alley, and you see it dead ends into a solid brick wall. Around you are overflowing garbage cans, the litter of a tired and uncaring population, and the smell of urine, long since decanted. You turn to get out of the trap you?ve wandered into, and see three teens standing in your path. Ugly, brutish and cruel looking teens. One of them steps a half step forward and shoves you on the shoulder so you stumble backwards, and says, ?Hey, look what we get to fuck with tonight.?

    Another says, ?Yeah, fuck with and then fuck up.?

    The third cleverly ripostes, ?And then just fuck. I?m first. When we?re ready.?

    Well, are you worried? Of course not. Because they don?t know of your powers. You stand in front of them acting like you?re calm, because of your superior powers and all, but somehow there?s a trickle of cold sweat etching its way down the back of your neck. You keep your cool as much as possible and activate your power, think while doing so that you know in advance what you?ll learn. Two of the guys will be frightened and won?t really want to be in any sort of scuffle. They?re only there so they can fit in with their friends. What they really want is to be home watching The Beaver on Nick-at-Night reruns; one of them actually has the hots for Barbara Billingsley. The third thug, the one who?s slightly in front of the others, well, he?s actually eager for this, but you?re sure your powers will tell you that he?s been beaten on by his drunken father, and you know, you just know, if you can make him see how sorry you are for his past problems, put your arm around his shoulders and tell him you?re there for him, he?ll warm up to you.

    That?s what you?re pretty sure you?ll find when you do your scan. You press your left thigh with your left thumb while clicking your heels together and saying to yourself, ?there?s no place like home,? and suddenly you can read their thoughts. They come to you in a wave. You?re aghast. All three of them want to fuck you up, over, around and, well, that way, too.

    So what are you thinking as they move in, and the first of them begins hitting you in the nose and the second one kicks you in the balls, solving your itching problem in the worst possibly way, then cuts away your belt with his blade? You?re thinking about that list, aren?t you? And thinking the more powerful than a speeding locomotive skill set might be more useful about now than Intuitive Aptitude.

  4. My feeling is that of course an author can leave things unsaid, but the more he does that, the more unsatisfying the story becomes.

    It seems to me that the more literary a story is, the more allusions in has, the more it diverges from plot into what sometimes becomes intellectual masturbation, the more trouble I have staying involved in it. If these diversions are done in a way that the writing sparkles, amuses and bemuses, there is less reason to be put off, but not many writers are able to achieve that end.

    I think it's personal with the reader, and depends on what he's looking for in a story. He decides what he likes and doesn't. He then learns which authors provide what he's seeking, and which don't. There isn't any right or wrong to it, just personal taste. My taste is pretty basic. I'm much happier reading a story that doesn't take too many twists and turns from the main road as it moves to its destination. I like tightly written stories that work their ways towards their ends, and when they get there, stories that make me feel very satisfied that I've learned what I needed to know to enjoy the story fully. Some of that I may have figured out for myself. Generally speaking,if one or more of the major plot points in a tale is left to the reader's conjecture, or it feels like the author has just skipped over it with no recognition tht it's even important to the story, I won't enjoy the story as much as I could have had he dotted the i's, crossed the t's and filled in the blanks.


  5. Gag- I hate messy divorces! TMI!

    When the ex-partners go out of their way to hurt each other as badly as they can, you shake your head and wonder at the level of pain each caused the other for how many number of years they did so.

    It's very tragic. I hate it when kids are involved.


  6. That's why it is so important to walk up to a Nazi type and tell them you love them and wish them peace.

    If you respond to them by showing them how much you dislike them, they feel justified in their control, but if you kiss them they have lost that control.

    Of course you may want to use a mouth disinfectant afterwards. :smile:

    I love this, Des. You'd completely discombobulate them! Everyone likes to be liked, and you'd be showing them you liked them, while at the same time taking away the shock value and terror and hatred they're trying to generate that would be the basis of their power. Such confusion you'd cause! Then, if you'd skip away, suggesting you were gay, it would be complete. Beautiful!


  7. There have been many social improvements that have resulted from the PC movement, but like anything, it can be taken too far, especially when common sense isn't applied.

    One of the areas where it has been abused to the point of silliness is that people now feel they have an additional right, even if it isn't a constitutional one. It's the right not to be offended.

    I think our founding fathers would have laughed themselves sore if that had been mentioned to be added to the lists of rights they felt should be guaranteed.


  8. The true aficionado will also cross the Y's.

    Oh, and Des, we STILL wash and dry the plastic sandwich bags, although we use the ones with plastic zips now. We can get about 12 uses out of them before holes start to appear at the seams. I've thought about buying one of those plastic bag melter thingies and making new seams in what are otherwise perfectly good bags. As you can see, we try to recycle and re-use. I draw the line at recycle toilet tissue though.

    And at Y's, apparently. :icon_geek:


  9. I wonder what would have happened if he had bought a joint?

    Firing squad? Witch Trials? Connecticut used to do that sort of thing you know. They just weren't as well known for it as their neighbors in Massachusetts...


    Everyone's heard of the witch trials, but your note saying they were conducted in Connecticut too, which I hadn't known, made me wonder about something. Do you have any idea the total number of "witches" put to death after these trials? Was it a significant number of women, or very few?


  10. Say what? That is too weird. Was it the French who devised that, or the English, or the Americans (either the U.S. variety or the Canadian variety, makes no nevermind). Anyway, I certainly have never heard of "French letters" meaning 'condom'. Ewww. - Colinian

    Actually, I have no idea why they call it that, and it is a very old term. I have no idea how I know it, either. You pic k up some very odd knowledge as you wend your weary way westward towards the final sunset.


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