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the aerialist

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the aerialist

I climb the pole, slick shaft of steel,

with trembling limbs, heart a-drum;

watchers gasp their breath

to see me so high

this small circus platform shimmies

and shakes hard beneath my feet;

my blood is ice yet

I must not look down

muttering masses on the ground

hope for fear and feats of skill;

covertly do they

long for blood and bone

I fill my lungs, then send my hand

reaching out through open air;

toward my gilded dreams

toward the bright trapeze

eight long feet out and miles away

is that far suspended bar,

it draws my eyes so

I do not glance down

I look to the harsh lights above

and release my ragged breath,

then murmur magic and

ready my resolve

I put my trust in the arcane

science of trajectory;

bodies in motion,

physics of flying

eyes on my prize, I tense and leap

arcing towards the bright trapeze,

how high am I and

far must I now fall


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I like this. You allow me to feel what the aerialist feels.

I particularly like the the juxtaposition of the "murmur of magic" a to a line later. "..arcane

science of trajectory

bodies in motion,

physics of flying."

I swear I can see it.

The last line has me worried though. Was it a death leap?

I hope not.

Nice work. :icon1:

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I like this. You allow me to feel what the aerialist feels.

I particularly like the the juxtaposition of the "murmur of magic" a to a line later. "..arcane bodies in motion,

physics of flying."

I swear I can see it.

The last line has me worried though. Was it a death leap?

I hope not.

science of trajectory

Nice work. :w00t:

Thanks! Yes, Des, it was a death leap but the line was meant to be slightly ambiguous. Also, the aerialist was, in my mind, as much a metaphor as a reality. I was visualizing the actual trapeze artist (a common synonym for bisexual or opportunistic homosexual) as a symbol for myself or others I know. Suicidal feelings or destructive life choices, etc.


TR :icon13:

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*TR* wrote:

Also, the aerialist was, in my mind, as much a metaphor as a reality. I was visualizing the actual trapeze artist (a common synonym for bisexual or opportunistic homosexual) as a symbol for myself or others I know. Suicidal feelings or destructive life choices, etc.

I think I felt the metaphor intuitively on my first reading.

You certainly got the feelings across. I was just not trusting myself to see it, which I do now very clearly.

Thanks. It is a splendid poem.

(Have you seen the old (1956) Burt Lancaster / Tony Curtis movie "Trapeze"? It is often seen as a parable of homosexual love. Gina Lollobrigida stars as the official love interest in the movie, but just look at the way the two men interact with each other. :icon13: .

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*TR* wrote:

I think I felt the metaphor intuitively on my first reading.

You certainly got the feelings across. I was just not trusting myself to see it, which I do now very clearly.

Thanks. It is a splendid poem.

Thanks!! :w00t:

(Have you seen the old (1956) Burt Lancaster / Tony Curtis movie "Trapeze"? It is often seen as a parable of homosexual love. Gina Lollobrigida stars as the official love interest in the movie, but just look at the way the two men interact with each other. :w00t: .

Yes, though I unfortunately don't own a copy. In fact the actual upload file of the aerialist has a photo of Tony Curtis on the platform, reaching for the trapeze. It amused me on several levels to use that pic, and not only because I'm a big Tony Curtis fan. If tr.org is ever updated (ahem) with the dozen or so more recent poems, you can go there to see that. Till then, you'll just hafta take my word for it.

(Warning-gush alert-diabetics might want to skip this last bit :w00t: )

I met Tony Curtis once and, man o' man, he is the most charming guy in person you'd ever want to meet...and this is me, usually more annoyed by actors in RL rather than otherwise. He is sweet as hell and, even at his age (whatever that is), he is one sexy, handsome man with a million-killowatt smile.

I think I met him around the time he married this last wife, much younger than him? I had zero trouble imagining anyone, of any age or sexual persuasion, lusting after Tony Curtis. I am not fond of meeting 'stars', unless they're writers or painters maybe, but wowza, I'll not forget meeting Tony Curtis. That guy has more charisma and charm than nearly anyone I've ever met! And so nice!

And yes, he let me kiss his cheek...isn't that sweet? (I was too chicken to try kissing anything else) He is just Charm Personified but it doesn't come off fake, as so many actors will, it comes off as he's just a Nice Guy, maybe not too bright but filled with sincere love for his fellow humans. And that ain't common in Hollywood, IMO. Hell, it's not common in my own neighborhood...

Just added a new dimension to my loving his films, I guess.

Kisses... :w00t:

TR :icon13:

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