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George Bush's Parrot

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Laura Bush bought George a parrot for his recent birthday.

She told Dick Cheney, "The bird is so smart! George has already taught him to mispronounce over 200 words!"

"Wow, that's pretty impressive," Cheney said. "But you realize that he just says the words. He doesn't understand what they mean."

"That's okay," Laura replied. "Neither does the parrot."

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  • 3 weeks later...
Laura Bush bought George a parrot for his recent birthday.

She told Dick Cheney, "The bird is so smart! George has already taught him to mispronounce over 200 words!"

"Wow, that's pretty impressive," Cheney said. "But you realize that he just says the words. He doesn't understand what they mean."

"That's okay," Laura replied. "Neither does the parrot."

Lol.. Well actually what makes it hilarious is in all liklihood I could see this being a true conversation someday. The poor man cannot speak at all..


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