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News & Views - July 20, 2008


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Hi Gang...

First of all it's July 20th and Tragic Rabbit's birthday (his the only author's b/d I know) so let's have a round of Carrot Juice to him!

Next, we have resumed News and Views... but some updates on how things are evolving. There are basically two days I 'open up' the AwesomeDude.com site for updates, on Wednesdays and on Saturdays... but the latter is now on Sundays... usually in the wee hours here in the California desert. So from now on you can expect to see new novels and short stories appearing on Sundays, hopefully Sunday mornings where you are. When we run serial stories requiring twice-a-week postings, then we do those usually in the afternoon hours of Wednesday. Currently two stories, Dominos by Cole Parker and Splash in the Pool by Jack Scribe, fit that description. We may also, by special request of an author, schedule a posting of a new short story on a Wednesday.

As an aside, we DIDN'T post this past Wednesday (July 16) as my laptop wasn't one of the things I thought to bring with me to the Emergency Room when my friends decided that is where I needed to be after passing out from the heat. I will try to remember to keep my trusty wireless lap tow with me at all times in the future.

I have been suffering a bit generally here in the desert heat over the past nearly four months I have been here, mostly from the intense heat and the dryness which, to me, is a negative thing. People say the mountains (tiny hills compared to where I have lived) and aird landscape... (no green practically anywhere) are plusses... but I just say ... nyeh!

Let's look at the stories we have working at AwesomeDude at the moment:

Rick Beck in the past few weeks has posted two more full novels, The Redemption and The Return Home. Both are excellent and build upon story lines created in early novels by Rick. Jack Scribe has also posted his full novel in complete form Domes and Teapots, a fascinating story as is hi ongoing serial tale Splash In The Pool, which by-the-way, is about to wrap up. Wrqpped up full novels, presented here in serial form also include Love in a Char by Altimexis and Not Entirety Alone With Myself by the lovely and talented Tanuki Raccoon who writes under the Pen Name of WBMS. It is derived from (anem, not I didn't say a sequel to) Alone By Myself, one of the first novels to be posted here at AwesomeDude. Another fully complete, piece, a novella, posted recently is Adam Donaldson Powell's (the artist formerl know as 'A') 2014: the life and aventures of an incarnated angel.

Duncan Ryder has started a new sequel to Everybody's Wounded under the title of How the Light Gets In and is has posted Chapter 3 this weekend. And the Family and Friends Series by Ron Robbins, this week features a new story called Pip. Ron has been generally busy and posted his first short story at AwesomeDude, called Unruly Delinquent, Check them both out. And Bruin Fisher has added another short story, The Dance, to his fast growing page.

This News and Views is delayed on this Sunday due to an hour's rain that fell on Palm Springs this morning. It was certainly welcome to me, but like snow in Atlanta or Dallas or Miami, brought things here to a standstill, flooding roads and taking out power and, yep, Internet access. I love rain and consider it a part of life, but not here. It rains maybe 2 or 3 times a year and seldom for more than a half hour.

That's it for now. Don't forget to write your favorite authors and give them a big 'cyber hug' for all they do for all of us, unselfishly. It is the only pay they expect or receive.

And, as always, we wish your a great week of reading and see you next week.

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Well darn. I hope it's not inappropriate to wish TR a Happy Birthday here. :wav: And of course, and Get Well Soon to you, Dude.

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