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Sally Kern speaks out again


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Sally Kern: Homosexuality has killed more Americans than 9/11

Sally Kern repeats her position that gays are biggest threat to nation, behavior killed 100,000 people

Staff, On Top Magazine


Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern defended earlier statements against gays and lesbians yesterday in a debate with Democratic challenger Ron Marlett.

In a heated debated against Marlett Thursday, Kern, who is running for a third term, defended her position against the ?gay agenda,? and repeated her statement that gays represent the biggest threat to the nation.

?While terrorism has killed more than 3,000 people in the continental United States in the last 15 years, homosexual behavior has killed more than 100,000,? the Republican representative said. ?It's a danger to life. It is a danger to health.?

Kern drew a firestorm of protest from gay groups in March when she said, ?I honestly think it's [homosexuality] the biggest threat our nation has, even more so than terrorism or Islam,? at a gathering of Republicans in Oklahoma City.

At the 2-hour debate hosted by the Northwest Chamber of Commerce in Bethany, an unidentified man was escorted out of the building by police after asking Kern about the gun she brought into the state Capitol building. The man was referring to two separate Summer incidents where Kern was caught attempting to enter the building with a handgun.

Marlett has said he entered the race because of Kern's anti-gay remarks. ?To compare certain members of our community to a cancer that might need to be removed or amputated is chilling to me,? he said.

Kern, however, stood her ground even as Marlett's wife stood up and called her a liar. ?Our country is united pretty much against terrorism, but homosexuality is being promoted in schools and by the government,? Kern said.

On XM satellite radio's 'The Agenda with Joe Solmonese', Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund President and CEO Chuck Wolfe discussed Kern's anti-gay tirades.

?She in no way apologizes [for her anti-gay rhetoric] ... Regardless of the number of business interests who are upset that she has set the tone that Oklahoma is an unwelcoming state for business. She still revels in it. You just think the Party would start to figure out its going to hurt their tax rolls eventually, but not yet,? Wolfe said.

Copyright ? 2008 Page One News Media, Inc.

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Just giving something new for Sally Kern to rave about... :icon11:

Sally Kern: Cars have killed more Americans than 9/11

Sally Kern repeats her position that cars are biggest threat to nation, behavior killed 100,000 people

Oklahoma State Representative Sally Kern defended earlier statements against cars yesterday in a debate with Democratic challenger Ron Marlett.

In a heated debated against Marlett Thursday, Kern, who is running for a third term, defended her position against the ?car agenda,? and repeated her statement that cars represent the biggest threat to the nation.

?While terrorism has killed more than 3,000 people in the continental United States in the last 15 years, car related behaviour has killed more than 100,000,? the Republican representative said. ?It's a danger to life. It is a danger to health.?


Kern, however, stood her ground even as Marlett's wife stood up and called her a liar. ?Our country is united pretty much against terrorism, but cars are being promoted in schools and by the government,? Kern said.

Do you think she'll accept this new campaign? :wink:

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Allegations have recently surfaced that Sally Kern changed her name to hide her actual line of descent.

The original family name, Goebbels, was changed due to the outspoken hate speech promulgated in the 1930's and 40's by infamous Nazi Propaganda Minister, Joseph Goebbels.

Whether the allegations prove to be true or not, one thing is clear: Sally Kern and Joseph Goebbels would likely have been best friends had they been born in the same generation. It takes a particularly warped and twisted worldview to even conceive such inflammatory nonsense, let alone to have the cojones to get up in public and make such ludicrous statements.

Now, before the politically correct police climb all over me for making such an obviously false assertion, I will make the disclaimer that this is intended as farce, and is not intended to be taken seriously...well, except for the second paragraph. Sally Kern and her ilk would have made great foot soldiers for the Nazi party. While it is clearly their right to spout such ignorant garbage, they, in turn, surrender their right to be taken seriously by any right minded human being. They also surrender any protections they may normally have had to avoid being hoist on their own petard, especially as Joe Six Pack will believe any of this kind of hate filled rant, and will, in fact, cheer it on.

What a sad place this country has become.


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Whether the allegations prove to be true or not, one thing is clear: Sally Kern and Joseph Goebbels would likely have been best friends had they been born in the same generation. It takes a particularly warped and twisted worldview to even conceive such inflammatory nonsense, let alone to have the cojones to get up in public and make such ludicrous statements.



I am reminded of the following British propaganda song from 1939 See Wiki

(Sung to the tune of the Colonel Bogey march.)

Hitler has only got one ball,

G?ring has two but very small,

Himmler is somewhat sim'lar,

But poor old Goebbels has no balls at all.

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