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Prayers For Bobby

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We just received this movie on preview for our video store.

I can't begin to describe how moving it is, or praise Sigourney Weaver too highly for her performance.

Truly outstanding. It's a true story about a gay boy who wanted to be a writer...

Here is the trailer for the movie.

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Bobby attended my high school (24 years before I was a freshman there). The problems he encountered there eventually resulted in the high school district establishing a very strong no-nonsense no-recourse anti-bullying anti-abuse anti-discrimination policy covering race, ethnicity, nationality, country of origin, religion, sex, gender, and sexual orientation that's still in effect today with just a bit of polishing here and there. His mother was instrumental in getting the district to implement the policy.

A summary of the story about the real Bobby Griffith is here on Wikipedia. There's a lot more information here about the crew that made the movie and here about the Horizons Foundation's Bobby Griffith Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Colin :hehe:

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