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AD Forums are back!


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I want to apologize to all our members for the temporary (four and a half days) loss of our AwesomeDude Forums.

We are taking steps to make sure this will never happen again.. or at least the liklihood that it won't will be greatly improved.

Thanks for hanging in there, everybody!

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Please note that -due to the fact that after almost a week our web host, GoDaddy, has not restored my ability to edit the AwesomeDude Site and update it- we will be moving AwesomeDude.com to a new server and webhost this week. I apologize in advance for any gaps in coverage you may notice... but it should last a very short time.

Because of this transition, there will be NO MID-WEEK UPDATE this week. We hope that the changes will bring a more reliable service to you, our members and readers.

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Thanks for all your hard work, Dude. I can report that AD withdrawal, even for a few days, was a very painful experience.

BTW everyone, the Donate button works fine throughout all this mess, and if Dude is going to be shopping for a new host, it might be a good time to press it...


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