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Are you registering or awaiting approval as a forum user?

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We are aware that there are hundreds of applications for membership of the AwesomeDude forums awaiting approval. This used to be automatic, but because of spambots, Mike changed the settings so that manual approval is needed. Sadly, Mike was not able to do much after he had his fall in September 2022, and membership approval was probably one of things that suffered.

If you have applied for forums membership and are still waiting for approval, please email dude@awesomedude.org to let us know. You will need to provide the username you chose, and the email address you used when you signed up.

If you're a new registrant, it would help us if you could also email dude@awesomedude.org to alert us to your application, giving your username (and email if it's different from the one you're using to contact us). We'll attend to your application as soon as we can.

Thanks for your help!

~ John

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  • Alien Son changed the title to Are you registering or awaiting approval as a forum user?

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