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Alien Son

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Alien Son last won the day on June 15

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About Alien Son

  • Birthday 04/25/1950

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    Rural New South Wales
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    In no particular order: reading, writing, history, genealogy, web design, theology, family

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  1. I received an email from Michael yesterday. I replied, and asked for his permission to post an update on Nigel's progress. I also offered my help with the stories. ~ John
  2. That's not nuts, it's perfectly logical. The floor at ground level is the Ground Floor, and others above that are numbered from 1 up. ~ John
  3. Talo, this story dates from 2015. I coded it, and it was originally posted on AD as a normal multi-chapter story with 20 chapters. I can't say for sure, but my guess is that the author later published the story and Mike replaced the links to the chapters with the link to Amazon. I think that's reasonable. In fact our Story Submissions guidelines offer support to authors who publish stories after having them posted on AD. I wouldn't worry about checking the author's email address. He's not going to be receiving emails from readers who have read the story at AD. Please email me a list of other authors who have links to PayPal or Patreon and I'll check them out. ~ John
  4. I can confirm this. Recently I emailed one of our authors about a story I planned to use as a Dude's Pick. I didn't receive a reply immediately, so I assumed the author was no longer contactable. He did reply, however, almost two weeks after I sent my email. Talo, thanks for taking on this project! ~ John
  5. Sorry, I only just found this topic. It's a good idea, Talo, and if you're willing to do it, I'm happy for you to go ahead. If you can determine which authors are still contactable, I'll undertake to label them. It would be great to have this done for AD as well as CW. Where we know an author has died we indicate this on their index page, but there are others who seem to have dropped out of sight. ~ John
  6. Talo, I want to apologise to you. My comments were harsh, and I regret that. I missed that in your second post you were referring to Unfinished Symphony.
  7. Wise advice I hope you'll follow in future. Talo, all you've done with your second post is dig yourself a deeper hole. To answer your question, you wouldn't need to also read A Two Part Invention. The only thing the two stories have in common is that two of the characters appear in both stories. Your whole topic leaves me wondering why you bothered. You admit this wasn't a story you would normally read, so why set yourself up for a fall by making uninformed comments in the first place?
  8. We'll begin posting Adagio on Saturday 15 June (or Friday night, depending on where you live). It's a fitting sequel to Unfinished Symphony, and concludes Richard's story. ~ John
  9. The first two chapters of Reconciled are now online. We'll continue posting two chapters twice weekly until the story ends. ~ John
  10. With contributions from @Rutabaga I've created a page for the Turning Ten collection of stories. It's accessible using the new Turning 10 link on the main menu bar of the AD home page. ~ John
  11. The fourteen stories AD authors wrote in response to Mike's 'Turning Ten' challenge in 2014, to commemorate AD's tenth anniversary, are now easily accessible from the Turning Ten page. There's a new link -- Turning 10 -- on the main menu bar on the AD home page. Sadly, several of the authors have since died, or are no longer active at AD, but the stories still make excellent reading. I hope you'll enjoy them! ~ John
  12. Thanks, Talo, that's much better :). The Seekers still are Australian, although Judith Durham died a couple of years ago. As far as European settlement goes, Australia is a young country, so, yes, we all have our origins abroad. And I'm half English because my father was an immigrant. Sadly, our multi-cultural society seems to be falling apart and Australia is becoming more and more racist. The Aboriginal people have been here for thousands of years, but even they came from somewhere else originally.
  13. I think this is a complete list of the Turning Ten stories, in no particular order: Cole Parker - 2 x Ten Nigel Gordon - Turning Ten On The Road To Kamping Nigel Gordon - Turning Ten Twice Colin Kelly - Fifteenth Birthday Chris James - The Other Side Cynus - As The Clock Turns Bruin Fisher - Turning Ten Steven Adamson - Chains vwl-rec - Pyrrhus Mihangel - Sweet and Ten James Merkin - Jesse's Journey Camy - Ten Years On Altimexis - Homecoming Alien Son - The Worst Day This list was gleaned from my memory, and from this forum topic. According to one of Mike's posts there were 13 stories. My list includes 14.
  14. I hope you're joking! I love that song, but the words are inane and don't make much sense, and they're not representative of Australians. And Colin Hay is a Scottish immigrant, so he was probably biased 😀. Interestingly, a lot of actors, singers and groups considered Australian are actually immigrants from the UK and New Zealand. We have a bad habit of adopting people and then claiming them as our own.
  15. I've received news that Comicality (Comsie), well known and much-loved for his gay stories, passed away this week after a lengthy illness. There's a touching tribute to him at Gay Authors. ~ John
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