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The Induction Ceremony (The Academy: Onboarding Week series)

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It was the morning of our second day at the Academy. After we'd had our breakfast, the instructors led us pledges to the 5th floor of the Central Campus Tower complex, where the other group of instructors and pledges from the other Fraternity Hall separated from us to go into another room. Meanwhile, our group headed into an anteroom with various couches and chairs, separated by a glass wall from an inner Showroom, which had a vinyl mattress upon the floor. This was, supposedly, where the Induction Ceremony was to take place.


At this point, all of us pledges were dressed only in our boxers, and nothing else, as were some of the instructors, namely, Gert, Shane, Shaun and Chris. As for the rest of the instructors, Theo and Leon were in T-shirts and boardshorts, Kevin, Conal, Ivan and Ryan were in vests and basketball shorts, while Mark and Jon were shirtless in running shorts. I guessed this was all part of the setup. The clothed instructors were to supervise the proceedings, while those instructors dressed in their jocks were to take an active lead. The Induction Ceremony was to be undertaken in pairs; Michael and Ally, Academic Deans, were the first to go, followed by Josh and me.


When it came our turn, as Michael and Ally were led away by Chris and Shaun, presumably to wash up, Gert approached Josh and Shane approached me. All four of us were wearing only our Jocks. Shane told me to stand up, which I did. Then, he picked up a fresh towel off the benchtop and handed it to me, instructing me to put it on over my boxers. After I'd put it on, Shane went behind me and fastened my hands together with a pair of bondage cuffs. In front of me I saw Gert doing the same to Josh. Shane then bent down and reached underneath my towel, taking hold of, lowering and removing my boxers from under my Towel, while Gert did the same to Josh; our underwear was now confiscated, and the instructors took them away from us and tossed them into a clothing collection bin in the corner while the rest of the boys in the waiting room watched.


Shane then held my elbow and led me through the door to the inner Showroom, as Gert led Josh behind me. We were asked to sit down on the mattress on the floor, facing the glass through which the rest of the group were watching us. I then saw Michael and Ally being led back into the anteroom, buck naked, by Chris and Shaun, who were holding their towels in their hands, getting them to sit down on two empty chairs near the front and placing their towels in their laps before releasing their hands from the bondage cuffs they were in.


I had seen what happened to Michael and Ally before and knew it would be Josh's and my turn next.  At this point, Josh and I, the second pair to be selected to undergo the Induction, were sitting on the mattress in the inner Showroom, naked except for the Towels around our waists, hands bound by bondage cuffs behind our backs, facing the glass through which the instructors and the other pledges were watching us. Instructors Chris and Shaun, wearing Jocks only, were standing by the door through which we were recently led through. Instructors Gert and Shane were standing in front of (respectively) Josh and I and the mattress we were seated on, also wearing only their Jocks.


I gulped as Chris took a step to the left and closed the door to the anteroom, knowing that soon my dick would be in full view of the watching crowd. The thought got my adrenaline pumping. I took a quick glance to my left, at my buddy Josh, who was seated beside me, in his Towel, hands bound behind his back; he looked terrified, probably anticipating what was about to happen, which we saw done to Michael and Ally before us. I turned back to Shane, who was by now squatting down in front of me, holding a bottle of lube which he was pouring a generous amount into his hands. I saw Gert doing the same in front of Josh, and giving him a reassuring smile.


Shane, shirtless and wearing only a pair of Bonds boxer-briefs, which we had been told was the Basic Attire for all members of the Academy, reached for my waist and unhooked my Towel, slowly easing it open. Slowly my pubes and then my still-soft cock and my balls came into view. To my left I saw Gert doing the same to Josh. I only half-noticed the audience, who seemed to be leaning forward to get a better look; my eyes were primarily fixed on Shane and his hot body and the sparse hairs in various places on his chest. Being Asian I didn't have quite so much hair; my chest was pretty much smooth save for some barely noticeable abdominal hair. In contrast, Josh was much hairier. I also noticed Josh was uncircumcised, unlike me, and his dick was also noticeably larger.


Shane then put both hands on my dick, as did Gert to Josh – Josh and I both gasped from the cold and wetness of the lube – Shane teased my dick a bit and then gently started stroking me off slowly. I glanced, helplessly, at the watching audience through the glass before looking back at Shane. Our eyes met but he remained silent as he slowly, sensually, stroked my dick to a full erection. His technique was skilful; he'd first use one fist and run it up and down the length of my cock two to three times before turning his hand the other way, giving my dick an extra tug, and then repeat the process, his other hand on my balls, occasionally straying to my inner thighs or up my chest to tweak a nipple. From time to time, he'd switch hands and repeat the same process.


To my left, I saw Gert was using a similar technique, the only difference being Josh's foreskin sliding over and back to cover and expose his pink cockhead, which became less and less and the exposure increasing until Josh was fully hard. This went on for about 20 or so minutes and as time went on Josh and I got increasingly aroused and I felt the familiar stirring in my groin signalling impending orgasm. To my left I heard Josh starting to make soft grunts and moans from the stimulation, and soon I found myself in a similar state. Gert and Shane didn't miss a beat; they kept up the tempo and rhythm, slowly and sensually stroking us off while the others watched through the glass.


As I felt the pressure building up within my groin, I let out a loud moan of ecstasy, and gave a few strangled yells as my cum came gushing out onto my chest and legs. Wordlessly, Shane milked out the last few drops of cum from within me and then got up, Chris opening the door for him as he exited the room, as he had done previously after making Ally cum, while the audience started clapping and cheering. To my left Josh started moaning loudly as Gert jacked him to a huge orgasm; I glanced over and saw him cumming all over himself as Gert milked his cock. Like Shane before him Gert also then got up and wordlessly exited the room as the audience whooped and cheered again.


As my orgasm subsided, I started feeling a little embarrassed, feeling my face glow a bit as I sat there, towel open under me and my softening cock in full view of our audience, with my cum splashed out all over me. Fortunately, Shaun and Chris came forward and taking hold of our elbows, helped Josh and I get up, picked up our towels from the mattress and led us, buck naked and with cum all over our bodies, our hands still cuffed behind our backs, out of the inner Showroom through the anteroom, then out along a short corridor and round a corner to a small shower room with two rows of communal showers and six showerheads sticking out of the walls on each side.


Shaun hung my towel on a peg on the wall at the front of the room and led me to one of the showerheads on the far end; soon Josh joined me under the next showerhead to my right, led by Chris. Shaun and Chris turned on the showers and some pleasantly warm water came gushing down. I looked at Shaun, standing to the side out of the way of the shower water; Shaun, still in his boxers only, gave me a reassuring smile as he squeezed some soap from the dispenser on the wall and soaped up my body and my cock; I recalled that nobody had bathed me other than myself in decades, since I was a boy. I was powerless to stop him or take over myself as my hands were still cuffed behind my back; to my right I heard Josh protesting saying he can wash himself, but Chris told him to relax and stay still, so I knew we had no choice.


I saw Chris washing Josh's cock vigorously and peeling back his foreskin to wash underneath; Josh gave a small yelp, whether from pleasure or pain I couldn't tell. Being circumcised myself I thought to myself, Thank God that isn't happening to me, and that Shaun seemed calmer and a little more measured than Chris was. Shaun washed my body and then my cock, rubbing off all the lube and cum from my body, then when done he closed the shower tap and led me over back to the pegs at the front of the room. I felt myself shivering as Shaun took one of the two towels from the pegs (whether it was Josh's towel or mine I had no idea) which was still mostly clean and dry and used it to dry my body, rubbing me all over with it, paying particular attention to my dick, which was starting to show signs of life again. Behind me I heard Chris drying Josh off as well; Josh was muttering to himself but I couldn't really make out what he was saying.


Shaun then took my elbow and led me back along the same corridor from which we had come, back into the anteroom where the next pair of pledges were about to begin their turn; we got there just in time to see Shane removing Tauri's Jocks from under the Towel he was now wearing, his hands bound behind his back in bondage cuffs, while Gert and Jack were already in the inner room, Gert helping Jack to sit down on the mattress. Ben, whose turn would be next (with Erik) after Tauri and Jack, later told me that Tauri had made quite a show of protesting and had to be restrained by a few of the instructors to get his bondage cuffs on.


Shaun led me to an empty seat, helped me to sit down, then placed my now-damp towel in my lap. I felt relieved that my dick was finally covered again, after being on show and exposed for the past half hour or so. Shaun went to get the keys from the table on the side of the anteroom and came back to release my hands from the bondage cuffs, and then passed the keys to Chris, who had helped Josh sit on the empty seat next to me and then released him from his restraints too. Shaun and Chris then proceeded back into the inner room where Shane and Gert were getting ready to perform the same Induction on Tauri and Jack as the rest of us looked on.


Over the next two hours, I saw Tauri & Jack, then Erik & Ben, then Nathan & Kalvin, and finally Douglas & Aaron, undergo the same ritual that Josh & I had just been put through, like Ally & Michael before us. Each pair started out in boxers, over which they were asked to put on a towel, then had their hands cuffed behind their backs and their underwear removed from under their towel, which was later opened once seated in the inner room exposing their dicks in full view of the audience, and after cumming were led away for their shower, returning buck naked with their towels placed in their laps providing cover for their dicks once again.


After Douglas & Aaron had returned from their showers, Gert went to the front and spoke a few words in a short debriefing, then instructed us to stand up and put on our Towels round our waists and adjourn for lunch. We were then led out of the room to another part of the facility via a few corridors and a short elevator ride, with the other group joining us where their twelve pledges had also undergone the same Induction process. As we sat down to lunch, we were instructed to remove our Towels and place them in our laps once again.




Author's Note: Thanks for reading my sample, I hope you enjoyed it. This story comes from a fantasy of mine based upon a real formative experience I had at the baths as a young man; Shane is a real person I know whom this story is dedicated to. The full story can be found on my website at stories.homebase.gay (under the Original Creations tab); please note that the story is still missing one chapter and I'm having trouble bridging the gap. The other two stories I've posted on there are still in the draft stages; one is a single-chapter spin-off told from the perspective of a teenage student of the institution, while the other is a different form of writing, a rulebook or policy manual of the fantasy world I am building, to which my own Induction is depicted in the story I've posted above. To these ends, I'm appealing for feedback from readers who may be interested in and able to provide editorial mentorship to a budding author and advise on worldbuilding and development; if interested please DM me or send me an email at homebase.gay@gmail.com. Thank You All.

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Feedback, let's start by labelling the story as what it is, soft porn. This is not a derisory label, lots of authors started out writing soft porn. It's where the whole publishing of online gay stories began and the formula of sex in every chapter was, is, current. Like you said, "This story comes from a fantasy of mine based upon a real formative experience." It's your fantasy and no doubt will appeal to others, because fantasies are shared. It's based upon real life experience which is where a lot of authors start. That covers the storyline, it's about a fantasised Academy.

Coming to the writing, if you've heard of show don't tell, this is all tell. You describe where things take place and you tell us what happens. It's not engaging, unless of course you share the fantasy! There are a host of characters, too many to follow. 

There is nothing about how our protagonist is feeling, with the exception of, "I gulped..." indicating surprise, shock, and that his friend Josh looked terrified. The whole chapter, maybe read, whole story, is the sexual encounter described in detail.

This reminded me of sex stories I wrote for myself when I was sixteen, it is what it is, and what it is, is a description of a gay sexual fantasy. As such it's mediocre and for me holds little interest. It is nevertheless writing and it's a start that might lead on to better things. Everyone has to start somewhere, so I'd consider this the beginning of that long road.

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Hello Homebase,

Welcome to Awesome Dude. and if you are just now dipping your toe into the amazing journey of creating fiction, then you must be as crazy as the rest of us. Our passion is very lonely at times, overwhelming, self-loathing, yet strangely rewarding if you're a masochist. Welcome to our world.

I understand the fear you might had upon putting out your work to the world to view. The downside to this action, if you ask, people are going to tell you. The upside, I believe the only way you get better at anything is by doing the work and having people smarter than you help you on your journey. I would caution you that you need to be prepared to take the good with the bad. If someone takes the time to really comment on your work, look at their responses critically. Your writing is your baby, but to the rest of us, it is just a bunch of letters hopefully arranged in an amusing patter that entertains us. 

I won't touch on anything Talo pointed out in the above comment, neither one of us would find that helpful. But would encourage you to read his comment carefully and objectively as he touched on several good points. 

What I want to briefly, and if you know anything about me I don't do briefly, touch on one thing you said, "please note that the story is still missing one chapter and Im having trouble bridging the gap". Why does this story need to continue? Multiple part stories need narrative structure, some kind of conflict to propel force the characters to change, adapt, overcome. I think we all know this story does not have those elements.

And that's fine, as this piece admittedly is your fantasy. Stroke stories don't need much else, right? So I would ask myself, why am I continuing this fantasy? Does this fantasy need a part two? If the answer is yes, then maybe the path forward is a re-working of chapter one that can propel your characters into chapter two. 

I a big believer in re-writes, some might say I over re-write, *couch Cole cough*, but you have the basic story you wanted to tell. Maybe go back and start adding things in like how does the protagonist feel being sexually used, does he need to feel humiliation, does he need to show his sub side, does he get off having people watch him being assaulted? Does this encounter awaken something inside he thought buried?

What about the person doing it? Why are they doing it? How does it make them feel? Are they doing it because they are brothers and have been ordered to? Are they doing it because they secretly like touching other males and this is the safest way for them to explore those feelings? There are lots of ways you could go if you choose. Or you could let it stand as a fantasy. 

I say welcome to the world of frustration and I'm glad to know I'm not the only crazy person that enjoys driving myself crazy. 

Jason (a fellow beginning writer(again))


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What are these guys doing there?  Were they kidnapped?  Is it voluntary?  What do they get out of it?  What were their expectations, and is the actual event any different?  Do they like it, hate it, or just endure it?  Why?  Could they just leave?  What would be the consequences?  Does the narrator have something to prove?  To whom?  

What thoughts are going through the narrator's head?  Is he fearful, nervous, thrilled, concerned, confident?  


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Hi all, Thanks for your comments. I will need some time to consider what you guys have said and hopefully re-work this to something better. Thanks again.

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16 hours ago, Rutabaga said:

What are these guys doing there?  Were they kidnapped?  Is it voluntary?  What do they get out of it?  What were their expectations, and is the actual event any different?  Do they like it, hate it, or just endure it?  Why?  Could they just leave?  What would be the consequences?  Does the narrator have something to prove?  To whom?  

What thoughts are going through the narrator's head?  Is he fearful, nervous, thrilled, concerned, confident?  



Thanks for your comment. This story I've posted is part of a wider fantasy world I'm building. The premise behind it is an institutional all-male setting where communal nudity and MSM action are a staple part of daily life, as part of an experiment in which such interactions are either part of the plan or as punishment for transgressions; the former is detailed in the story above while the latter is explored to a much lesser degree here. Think of Stephen's SDO story theme (www.storiesbygymnopedies.com). 

The guys in the story mostly hate it but just endure it I guess. There are a number of directions that the story could take, based on the comments I've received so far. The narrator (me) is all of the above - fearful, nervous, thrilled, concerned, confident - and he has something to prove, namely, that bondage experiences can also be fun and have grown on him. 

How this plays out is a matter for what shape and form that my fantasy world building takes I guess. That depends on all of you readers and commentors.

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If the narrator is you, then for purposes of the story I believe you need to step back and separate the narrator/character from you as the author.  This is because a good story brings the readers along to experience what's happening with the narrator/character, and to do this the readers need some dots to connect.  In effect, you as author need to interview yourself as narrator and ask a bunch of questions about who things ended up this way, what feelings are going through the narrator's mind, why this society has produced this institution, and so forth.  You have to separate yourself because otherwise the important story elements get short-circuited.  Something happens and you (as author-narrator) implicitly know your own reaction to them, but the reader does not.  

An important related point is that, because this is fiction after all, the "I" that is the narrator does not have to be 100% "you" (or even 75% or 50%).  You can create whatever kind of "I" best serves the story.  What does the narrator want?  What is standing in his way?  How is he going to overcome the obstacle(s)?  Will he succeed, or maybe discover that his objective was a false one and something better comes out?


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8 minutes ago, Rutabaga said:

If the narrator is you, then for purposes of the story I believe you need to step back and separate the narrator/character from you as the author.  This is because a good story brings the readers along to experience what's happening with the narrator/character, and to do this the readers need some dots to connect.  In effect, you as author need to interview yourself as narrator and ask a bunch of questions about who things ended up this way, what feelings are going through the narrator's mind, why this society has produced this institution, and so forth.  You have to separate yourself because otherwise the important story elements get short-circuited.  Something happens and you (as author-narrator) implicitly know your own reaction to them, but the reader does not.  

An important related point is that, because this is fiction after all, the "I" that is the narrator does not have to be 100% "you" (or even 75% or 50%).  You can create whatever kind of "I" best serves the story.  What does the narrator want?  What is standing in his way?  How is he going to overcome the obstacle(s)?  Will he succeed, or maybe discover that his objective was a false one and something better comes out?


Perhaps this is explored from different perspectives in the other two stories I posted on my website at stories.homebase.gay. One from the perspective of Blake, a teenaged student of the institution, and the other, a different kind of writing in the form of a policy handbook or manual for visitors.

One of the other comments mentioned the telling vs. showing duality, and states that I'm basically only telling rather than showing. That is the drawback to my writing I guess. I'm afraid I don't know how to overcome this, hence my search for an Editor. So far, everyone I've contacted (including you) said they don't have the time to be one.

One way I could perhaps explore the narrative perspective is having the story told from the first person limited point of view, as is the case in Harry Potter. Some advice in this vein would be helpful and useful and greatly appreciated.

Thanks All.

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  • Homebase changed the title to The Induction Ceremony (The Academy: Onboarding Week series)

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