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Time travel?

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I have to disagree that we are "on the verge" of anything as far as deepening our understanding of the mysteries of particle behavior at the quantum level.  The specific phenomenon mentioned here -- that particles seem to "know" the state of counterpart particles separated beyond what communication at the speed of light could accomplish -- has been experimentally verified since at least the early 1980s, and was predicted well before that.  Nothing has really emerged since then to suggest that we are progressing toward a significantly better understanding of this or the other phenomena that have been identified.

(For an in-depth discussion of this and other mysteries, see the chapter "Quantum Magic and Quantum Mystery" in the 1989 book, The Emperor's New Mind by eminent British theoretical physicist and mathematician Roger Penrose.  It is not a book for the faint-hearted, but I found it fascinating.  Which would surprise no one who knows me.)

So even though this guy looks like the prototype for the Doc Brown character in Back to the Future (played by Christopher Lloyd), I don't think he has anything of significance to contribute to this discussion.  


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