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The City of Lights, by Altimexis

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“The City of Lights” by Altimexis is a suspenseful account of twenty years in the life of James, a young American grown older over the course of this absorbing tale, filled as it is with scientific conundrums, ancient musical instruments, medical emergencies, bewildered love, and the endlessly fascinating streets of Paris.

It is also an accurate rendering of what it was like to be an American trying to come to terms with living in the Paris of twenty years ago—or the Paris of any modern era, for that matter.  Lesson One is to always arm yourself with some smattering of the French language already under your belt, and then to be prepared to spend most of your time attempting communication within the French language.  Speaking English slowly and loudly just won’t cut it.  The experience of masses of Americans flooding Paris for the Olympics may have shifted that impasse somewhat—witness the presence now of signage in English as well as French—but the French people, especially the Parisian French, have perfected the curl of the lip and the lift of the nose and the turn of the body away from any poor American tourist who insists upon English as his medium for interaction. This was as true fifty years ago as it is today—but Paris is well worth the effort.  The best strategy?  Find a charming translator right away, as did our protagonist James in “The City of Lights,” and as did this one as well:
James Merkin

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I've driven through Paris, but never actually visited. This great description reminded me of my visit to Florence, Italy, with a guide whose enthusiasm, knowledge, charm and downright attractiveness made the visit far more enjoyable and memorable than it would otherwise have been. Thanks, Altimexis!

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