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Password Capture Scam - MAWriter@yahoo.com

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A scam is going on to capture your gmail login details. I have received emails on to different gmail accounts from a party identified as mawriter@gmail.com. The subject of the email is given as Fortune! The mail displays with a message that if you are unable to see the content click on a link. The link takes you to what appears to be your gmail login page with a message that your session has expired and that you should login again. DON'T DO IT.

If you investigate the ip address for the page you will see that it has nothing to do with any valid Google address.

The one email address that was used is one that is only published on AD, so it is highly likely that it has been scrapped by a web-bot scanning the site. If so it is likely that other authors with gmail accounts will also be targeted.

Be careful.

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I use Outlook for reading all of my email, importing my gmail and other webmail addresses into Outlook. Hovering over the sender name in the message shows, at the bottom left of the screen, the actual email address for the message sender. Also, I do not open messages from unknown senders unless I can verify the source.

Colin :icon_geek:

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