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Here Goes Nothing



Nothing. Absolutely nothing happened today. It's the first day of classes here in the Philippines, my first day as a third year college student, and there were no professors today. NOT ONE of them went to any of my class after I made an effort to show up. But they were there. I mean, I saw a lot of classes going on with their professors right there, but nobody showed up in mine. Just how fucked up is that?

I was kidding. I didn't mean any of that. Of course, I love doing nothing. Haha. Did the planets all lined up or something? I must have done something right to have this kind of day while the others all suffer in their classrooms.

I saw a few of my acquaintances. Talked a little with some, ate with some, walked around the campus with some... but after a few hours of doing nothing, it got boring. Yeah, a boring day it was what with nothing at all to really spark any excitement. The day merely postponed the inevitable "first day" for me.

So there. A few words about how the day went on my side of the planet... which basically told you nothing.


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A fine job of nothing you did, too :)<br />
You know what?You're right. Hahaha
Is doing nothing well, the same as nothing well done?
Let's see...Doing nothing well, I think, is intentionally screwing up. And nothing well done, I think (again), is just that, having been unable to do anything well despite trying.Oh, scratch that! They're the same. Haha
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Your blog almost leaves me speechless. Almost, but not quite. As for nothing well done, I don't like anything less than well done. Pink meat is not beautiful or tasty to me. (Oh God. What is Des going to do with THAT comment?)

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Your blog almost leaves me speechless. Almost, but not quite. As for nothing well done, I don't like anything less than well done. Pink meat is not beautiful or tasty to me. (Oh God. What is Des going to do with THAT comment?)
Relax Trab, I'm a vegetarian.I prefer my meat live, though I must admit to not being fussy about the colour. :icon_geek::icon11:
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Your blog almost leaves me speechless. Almost, but not quite.As for nothing well done, I don't like anything less than well done. Pink meat is not beautiful or tasty to me. (Oh God. What is Des going to do with THAT comment?)
I'm glad that my blog has an ability to awe you to a state of near-speechlessness. Hehe. As for meats, Des couldn't have said it better. I remember this sunday school song about Jesus loving little children. Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in his sight Those words just took on a whole new meaning to me. Damn.
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