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(34) Are Blogs Draining?



Are Blogs Draining? The title for this entry occurred to me whilst I was putting the finishing touches to my new short story soon to be released at a Codey's World near you. (don't hold your breath it needs editing yet.)

It seemed to me that just maybe, blog writing may drain the creative impulses away from the writing of a good story, or a bad one for that matter.

If we put in a lot effort in the short term to make sure our cute insightful blogs are fun, interesting or just plain readable, does that deplete our creative energy? Does it concentrate our resources into the blog when they should be going into our stories?

On the other hand, yes I have two of them, does writing anything, even a blog keep the impetus to write, alive? Is there a line of demarcation one should watch, just to make sure that the literary prize is not being hi-jacked by some frivolous but clever blog remark?

Are our darkest moments revealed in our blogs actually the stuff upon which our novella dreams thrive?

So perhaps the blogs should be simple statements of fact devoid of creative writing.

How can an author lower himself to do that? We write and must write as best we can.

So if the blog bogs down the creative drain

then the blog shall be first to block the bog

and we authors will need to be plumbers

to unblock the bogs of our minds so that

the s**t can flow freely once again.

Or am I missing the toilet paper here? :hehe:

Goodness me, after all that, I feel quite flushed.


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Hey Des,I think I'd have to disagree with you. I don't think writing blog entries drains the creative impulses at all, matter of fact, I think they can only add to any author's creative juices. Whether you're writing a full blown novel, a short story, article, blog entry, or even a rather detailed shopping list, I believe that staying in the habit of actually putting words on the paper can only enhance your instinct as a writer. Blog entries are more than just words strung together to form sentences, you have to construct them, sometimes from the ground up as simple idea, IE: Like thinking and writing a blog entry on the validity of writing a blog entry, brilliant by the way.For me, when I decide to actually begin a story, I have already a clear idea and usually a complete plot line before I even sit down at the computer. All I have to do is fill in the gaps. But when I begin to write a blog entry, I usually sit down and just start typing, like a free form writing exercise, what comes out comes out. Sometimes I edit before I post the entry but sometimes I just post it and forget it. Either way, this keeps me in practice of forming a thought into something interesting for others to read. And, in writing my blog, I took two blog entries and turned them into two short stories. So writing in my blog didn't hinder my creative juices at all, it actually enhance my ability and gave me the courage to write a story about a subject matter that I never would have even consider had I set out to write a short story.

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Wibby, I can't agree your posts are drivel at all, even if they are loaded with Raccoon droppings.I find them quite entertaining and informative.As for your blog entries, they have inspired me on a number of occasions. Which brings me to Jason. Jason, there is nothing for us to disagree about.My rhetorical questions in this blog entry were actually the wanderings of my mind that I thought needed airing so to speak, and wanted to do that with a bit of fun. I do believe however that a writer must write, and write as best he can.In fact I find that the more I write the more material, energy and even inspiration I seem to have to work with. So my blog entry was really meant to also point to that. What I was fascinated to read in your reply, was that you have used ideas from your blog for writing stories. It is inspiring to know that. All in all, your reply is an excellent foil, and answer to my blog. I agree that basically any writing can get the creative juices flowing.My thought was that writing in a blog was time taken away from other writing, but eventually I came to the end of that thought when I wrote the questions in the blog ending with the plumbing of my mind. :lol: You have confirmed my own answers. :lol: Once again I see that creativity begets creativity. :wave:

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And Des, And I actually used the title you gave me for one of them, Poetic Justice of a One Night Stand. And the other one is called Fractured, one I'm actually really proud about.I read the poem at the end of your post, and I understood that you were answering your own question, but damnit, I just wanted to disagree with you because you are never wrong and I hate that. :lol: Just kidding, I just wanted to add my one and half cents to your better two cents. Jason R.

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Yes Jason I saw that you had used the title and was most pleased.I am never wrong? Who told you that?I'll have you know I am just as wrong as anybody else! So there! :lol: As far as your one and half cents worth is concerned, I think you have seriously undervalued your currency.It is worth at least 1.99 cents. At my age I'd give you $5. :lol::wave: Where is "Fractured"? I can't find a link to it?

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