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(41) I Knew it Would Happen



I hate to say I told you so, but I didn't did I?

I never actually said it out loud. So I will say it now.

The current practise of looking for someone to blame

instead of seeking to solve problems is going to cause

the downfall of our society.

There I said it.

What brought this on you may well ask, and I will tell you

because I want you to know, and I am sure you want to know, too, now.

I have suffered under numerous bureaucrats, managers and

other legal obsessed individuals in positions of power in the

workplace to see that they all, were totally unaware of the principle

of trust in others, mostly because they had never considered

anything other than their own failings of which their greed and ambition

were high priorities.

Assumption of the worst in mankind begets exactly that and more.

Treat people like idiots and you will encourage idiocy.

Treat people like automatons and you will get robots.

Treat people like loving caring, humane individuals and

you just might support someone who makes life worthwhile.

At the moment I am reeling under the influence of computer

stupidity. The Vista operating system engineers have taken the easy way out of

the security issue by forcing their concepts of doing useful work.

Like the Nazi, legal, bureaucrats referred to above, the computer software

designers have no idea of the requirements of human endeavour

and creativity.

Bounded by their own mediocrity and "intelligent backsides", we find ourselves

having to cope with inadequate solutions to very real problems.

When will these people realise that human beings need freedom as individuals

to create, work and even simply have fun?

So what can we do?

I wish I knew. In fact I have a pretty good idea of what we can do, but apart from that,

we can all help by letting them know that we are like Peter Finch in the movie

"Network," when he said:

"I am as a mad as Hell and I'm just not going to take it anymore."

Go on, go over to the window and yell it to whomever is listening.

Better still go out the front door, into the street and shout it as loudly as you can.

It will make you feel better. :lol:

Then send out an invitation to Microsoft and Apple and anyone else you know of their ilk

to join us in a "Love-in."

These people need Love. Lots of it too, I would guess at a pinch.

These people have become dickheads, because they have forgotten how to

masturbate and so play with their braincell instead, probably because it is bigger.

We need to organise a mass demonstration of how trust can make a difference.

Put all these computer nerds in one big room without any clothes and see if they

can come up with any solutions... :lol:

We should show them the greatest achievements of the human race have come

from individuals who have been encouraged by both adversity and inspiration, but never by

deprivation of their ability to be creative.

Computers are great tools with a promise of extending human abilities but not in the form that Vista takes.

I did tell you I don't like Vista didn't I?



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I did tell you I don't like Vista didn't I?
No, and I'm truly surprised. *looks surprised*Which reminds me. I must go and play with my braincell. You know what they say: 'Early to bed, early to rise!' *chortle*Camy
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Treat people like loving caring, humane individuals andyou just might support someone who makes life worthwhile.
:-O You said it!
These people need Love. Lots of it too, I would guess at a pinch.[ ... ] they have forgotten how to masturbate [ ... ]
Yes, they need lots of Love. They just aren't getting enough elsewhere. Guys and girls need more than solo lovin'.Uh, I really should get out more too. In all senses of "out." (I'm out, but not enough.) ... My subconscious and my friends are workin' on me, though.
Put all these computer nerds in one big room without any clothes and see if they can come up with any solutions...
It wasn't until I went on the web, that I began to see how many other techies and artists were gay. -- If you'd told me in university or high school how many of my classmates were gay or up for doing things with a friend, uh, you'd have made me one happy camper. -- I sat in computer labs, a few times, wondering how many of the students in each room was gay and in the closet, like I was then... but not doin' anything about it.Hmm... If you were to put a roomful of computer nerds in one room, naked, *without a computer*, and lock the door for, oh, a day or so... well, I am quite sure that the few ladies would leave with a boyfriend or girlfriend, while the guys would either be hugely frustrated (or much less shy!) (or at least more relaxed around gay guys!) ... and quite a few would leave with big grins and boyfriends they'd never guessed about.OK, so it's a nice fantasy, I'll just keep on wishing. Haha.-- What do I really wish for, more than a fantasy? -- I wish no one ever had to hide it, at work, school, home, place of worship, relaxing at the mall or park... anywhere. Oops, that turned into a rant, sorry. -- Rant mode off; Laid-back mode on; Hey Des, good luck. -- I am fairly certain my next computer will be a Mac, despite the expense of changeover. But that will be a couple of years from now, I hope.
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Camy,I am curious as to why you are surprised? :confused::icon1: Blue,With sentiments like that, you are welcome to rant in my blog anytime. :wink::icon13: I am defecating err I mean defeating or is that defecting, (it isn't deflecting,) the beast and have discovered a few things that I am sure Redmond would not like me doing. :devlish:

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Camy,I am curious as to why you are surprised? :confused::devlish:
My attempted sarcasm obviously didn't work. :icon1:
ooops! Sorry, there is nothing wrong with your sarcasm Camy,my sense of humour is in intensive care after dealing with Vista. :icon13:
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