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(40) Sex-lives and Computer Operating Systems' Lies



As I promised, (or did I threaten? I can't remember) I have returned. (you there in the back row, stop groaning!)

I have a new computer, a new fence and the B/f has a new clutch..in his car, and the Bank has a better return on the money it has loaned us, but most important of all, the local supermarket has installed a new donut machine, so we have donuts for breakfast again. The B/f is overjoyed.

(It doesn't take much to keep him happy, but then you only have to look at me to know that. :hehe:

I managed to replace the fence for only a couple of hundred dollars more than fixing the old one. I found a handyman who is an excellent tradesman. He worked steadily away all day listening to a Left wing radio station whilst cursing our present Right wing politicians, all so he that could raise his kids. What a nice man.

For those with the curiosity on all geek things, the old computer's motherboard mouse circuitry expired.

I had been promising myself a new computer for September, but was holding out for the new AMD quad cores motherboards.

Unfortunately they did not materialize here and the international reviews are still indicating the Intels as better.

As it was a new machine, I could get Windows Vista OS at greatly reduced cost along with Office 2007.

I am not happy. Oh the computer is fine 6600 Intel quad 4 core with 4 gig RAM plus 2x500 gig Hard drives. What I am not happy with is Vista.

Now before you all go telling me I should have got a Mac, let me explain somethings to you.

I am of the opinion that we humans have a genetic disposition to either Mac or Windows.

Trying to tell me that I should use a Mac is like telling me I should sleep with a woman.

It ain't gonna happen!

And that is what is so infuriating about Windows Vista, If I had wanted a Mac I would have bought one.

At the moment Linux is looking rather inviting as the most readily available OS that will allow exploration of the computer development and environment, as opposed to the Mac and now Windows pre-emptive control over for what and how we use our computers.

To carry my sex life analogy a little further, I rather feel like I have woken up with a couple of transgendered persons (one of each) either side of me, each one trying to be like the other whilst vying to excite me, of course without success.

So in case you haven't got the idea, I detest Vista and Office 2007 has, for all intents and purposes been neutered. I can't see that it will be productive or even reproductive in its present form.

The free office programs are going to be very popular, seducing everyone with with their well known attributes.

I would tell Mac and Windows to go do things to each other but I rather feel they already have.

Oh well, fortunately (to a degree) Xp is more than adequate for my needs and Vista can sit on the other hard drive until Bill fixes it or replaces it, hopefully not with another abortion.

So now I have the joy of rebuilding and installing lots of software.

I just hope it is all worthwhile... :lol:

Now if I can just train the b/f not to use my morning wood as a donut rack. :hug:

err donut anyone?


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I will skip the Mac lecture (for now) and sorry about groaning from the back row. However, the reason for this post is to tell you many manufacturers are offering an Official "XP Downgrade" -- you may wish, like my PC friends who've gotten stuck with Vista, consider availing yourself of it. Fujitsu (free), HP, Lenovo, all offer this as of now. Gateway and Dell also do but not sure if it's available post purchase.

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While Microsoft is still pushing Vista hard, the company is quietlyallowing PC makers to offer a "downgrade" option to buyers that getmachines with the new operating system but want to switch to Windows XP. The program applies only to Windows Vista Business and Ultimateversions, and it is up to PC makers to decide how, if at all, they wantto make XP available. Fujitsu has been among the most aggressive,starting last month to include an XP disc in the box with its laptopsand tablets. "That's going to help out small- and medium-size businesses," Fujitsu marketing manager Brandon Farris told CNET News.com.Hewlett-Packard also started a program in August for many of itsbusiness models. "For business desktops, workstations and selectbusiness notebooks and tablet PCs, customers can configure theirsystems to include the XP Pro restore disc for little or no charge," HPspokeswoman Tiffany Smith said in an e-mail. She said it was too soonto gauge how high customer interest has been. "Since we've only beenoffering (it) for about a month, we don't really have anything to shareon demand." A Microsoft representative confirmed there were changes made overthe summer to make it easier for customers to downgrade to XP. UnderMicrosoft's licensing terms for Vista, buyers of Vista Business andVista Ultimate Edition have always had the right to downgrade to XP,but in practice this could be challenging. In June, Microsoft changedits practices to allow computer makers that sell pre-activated Vistamachines to order Windows XP discs that could be included inside thebox with PCs, or shipped to customers without requiring additionalactivation. Microsoft noted in a statement that neither it nor the PCmakers are "obligated to supply earlier versions to end users under theend user licensing terms." While there is always resistance by some to move to a new operatingsystem, there appears to be particularly strong demand, especially frombusinesses, to stick with XP. One of the challenges, for both businesses and consumers are Vista's hefty graphics and memory needs. Lenovo, for its part, has details for its downgrade program on its IBM ThinkPad Web site. Dell spokeswoman Anne Camden said Dell has been offeringbusinesses that have a Premier Page set up the option to order systemswith XP, Vista or Vista with XP downgrade rights. There is no extracharge for the downgrade rights."We've been offering it and we're still offering it," she said.HP, Gateway and others also still sell machines with XP on them,nearly a year after Microsoft first started offering Vista tobusinesses. Vista went on sale broadly to consumers in January, atwhich point XP largely disappeared from retail shelves. However, demand for XP has remained. In April, Dell brought XP back as an option even on consumer PCs.There is an issue, though, over how long PC makers can keep sellingmachines with Windows XP as the preloaded operating system. Microsoftis requiring large PC makers to stop selling XP-based systems as of January 31, though some PC makers would like to sell XP machines for longer. "We're all lobbying for it," Farris said.

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I will skip the Mac lecture (for now) and sorry about groaning from the back row. However, the reason for this post is to tell you many manufacturers are offering an Official "XP Downgrade" -- you may wish, like my PC friends who've gotten stuck with Vista, consider availing yourself of it. Fujitsu (free), HP, Lenovo, all offer this as of now. Gateway and Dell also do but not sure if it's available post purchase.
Raccoons are allowed to groan (it is expected of them) :stare: Especially so when they take the time to offer such excellent advice. Thanks Wibby. Fortunately I have XP pro from my old computer. As it is a full licence I can use it on my new 'puter.I scored Vista for a small amount as I have (legal) access to OEM trade prices locally.Of course the rush to get back on line meant I had to build the computer up from parts myself, but this also meant a lower cost for me. All in all I saved nearly $1000 over retail prices. (Probably a lot more over Dell or Gateway prices and got top new parts as well.) I won't even invite a lecture about how much more a Mac would have cost in dollars let alone the learning curve and sacrifice of my genetic disposition. :hehe: Still your information and advice is good news and hopefully will be of help to other readers.Thanks again. My supplier informs me that there has been a significant rush on sales of XP. It seems like Vista is very unpopular with everyone except newbies. It is certainly very unfriendly in its confrontation with anyone coming from XP or Windows 2000.
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a significant rush on sales of XP. It seems like Vista is very unpopular with everyone except newbies. It is certainly very unfriendly in its confrontation with anyone coming from XP or Windows 2000.
Unfriendly doesn't begin to describe it. It's outright hostile.
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I'm the last person in the world to get involved in computer software discussions, but I do like to add my voice to the opposition when I can. I got Vista near the beginning because I happened to buy a new computer then. I hated Vista when I first got it because it was so different from XP. However, I've become used to it, and it seems to be more stable than XP. So, it isn't all bad, and does grow on you.And Des, the best part of your message was, you replaced the fence, you replaced the computer, but you kept the boyfriend. We older folk appreciated that kind of loyalty.Cole

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a significant rush on sales of XP. It seems like Vista is very unpopular with everyone except newbies. It is certainly very unfriendly in its confrontation with anyone coming from XP or Windows 2000.
Unfriendly doesn't begin to describe it. It's outright hostile.
Yay! :hehe: I was just being polite which is more than Vista is. :stare: Vista has all the characteristics of having been written by an uncaring, inhuman, psycho, control freak with no knowledge of computer use, let alone any idea whatsoever on the virtues of design. I take it Wibby that we both are not impressed with it, then?
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I'm the last person in the world to get involved in computer software discussions, but I do like to add my voice to the opposition when I can. I got Vista near the beginning because I happened to buy a new computer then. I hated Vista when I first got it because it was so different from XP. However, I've become used to it, and it seems to be more stable than XP. So, it isn't all bad, and does grow on you.And Des, the best part of your message was, you replaced the fence, you replaced the computer, but you kept the boyfriend. We older folk appreciated that kind of loyalty.Cole
Cole, he just won't leave no matter what I do. Take pity on us, we think we love each other. :hehe: I can see some elements in Vista that I want to use, but what they have taken away amounts to computer vandalism. I am told that service pack one is expected to correct some of these things, but personally I wouldn't hold my breath.If ever there was an opportunity for someone else to Google up a new Operating System, the time is now.
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Yay on the new computer.Yay on the new fence.Yay on the keeping the boyfriend. (Lucky ba****ds.)Boo about Vista and Office 2007.... I will get the questionable experience of trying them on a laptop, still to get loaded. My desktop has XP and Office 2003 and is staying that way, thank you.I am so very impressed with Microsoft (not!) that I may switch to OpenOffice. When I need to replace a computer again, I will probably make the switch back to Macintosh. That means replacing/upgrading/crossgrading my application programs and fonts and other goodies, at that time, though. The cost factor does not make me happy. -- But what I keep hearing about Microsoft, and what I know to be true of their past behavior...*ugh*.-----Back to better news:Yay again about the fence.Yay again about the boyfriend. (Gee, if only one would arrive on my doorstep or under the Christmas tree....) OK, so I'll have to go hunt one down.... Might be fun!Yay about donuts. Mmmm.What was that about a donut rack? Hahaha, ohh, the mental image. That gives a whole new x-rated look to the "Towers of Hanoi" rings problem. :laughs:Hah, next computer science or programming class, I'll have to remember that. The prof will think I'm just really blissed out about the subject. (Two subjects, radically different study approach.)...If only I'd known in college which of my fellow CS and English classmates were sitting there, wanting a guy too. Hmm... at least now I know!

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What are you doing, Camy? Visualizing this?<g>C
Umm ... :stare: I guess I must have been, yes. I feel for anyone who's nob is shaped like a rack (toast rack?) :hehe:
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Toast = NODonuts well we all sort of can do the donut thing if the hole in the donut is big enough. The iced donuts are a bit sticky. Cream donuts?Jelly donuts?(I'm beginning to wish I hadn't mentioned the donuts at all. :hehe: )

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