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(51) It's a blog, it's a blog!



So here I contemplate the meanings of blogging.

Dear Diary...

Dear Journal...

Dear Dairy...

I'll keep that for if and when I ever get invited to a farm again.

Dear personal log...

What was the name of the Captain in Star Trek?

I will tell you, it was Captain Slog,

because every episode started with a voice saying, "This is Captain Slog."

Now where was I? Oh Yes,

Dear Desmond's Log...

Uh Oh that sounds a bit rude, doesn't it, or am I just writing things into my log?

I suppose if I were to write to my log, I could thank it for all the good times it has given me, or I could tell it off for all the times it let me down, or even for the embarrassments it has caused in public places.

No, You guys wouldn't want read to my logging adventures. Would you?

I could call it "Boy's Own Log," or "Logs Long Gone."

But then again writing on my log could be somewhat painful, might raise up some hairy memories and I might have to divulge the bones of my past. Better to avoid that I think. :hehe:

Dear Wet Log...

"Don't I mean Web Log?"

NO! "I'm Bloggin' in the rain."

Dear epistle to myself... too formal. Perhaps I could use it on Sundays and while I write, I could sing "Blog of Ages,' or something.

Dear written record of my thoughts and ramblings...you gotta be kidding me.

Dear personal thoughts' file, posted on a website for the rest of the world to look at.. Yeah, Right!

I know!

Dear Blog,

I was going to write something but I have run out of time and anyway I've forgotten what I was going to say, and I doubt anyone would comment anyway, unless they want to, Please?

Blogging is so much fun.



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Hmmm...hardly the responses I had expected. Trab, Emergency services? Dementia? Where did that come from?Cole, "peter out"... Are you suggest I start my blog with, "Dear Peter,"?Trab, "Wilted wall-flower" ...As easy as falling off a log.Blue, do termites give good head? So the consensus is that, I should re-boot and blog-in again? :bunny:

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I would recommend a pointed stick, and the use of cuneiform if he is going to do this, not to mention latex gloves and a nose plug. I don't know about elsewhere, but in Canada, a slang term, 'log', describes a brown thingy dropped into the toilet, for flushing.

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Des, do you see how you inspire people? You have a gift, indeed. You bring something out in people. Okay, okay, the thing yoiu bring out best is their insults and slaps at you, but still. You have a gift, man.Heh heh heh.C

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Des, do you see how you inspire people? You have a gift, indeed. You bring something out in people. Okay, okay, the thing yoiu bring out best is their insults and slaps at you, but still. You have a gift, man.Heh heh heh.C
Yes, of course I noticed, Cole. It wasn't until I accepted my fate as 'he who must be ridiculed at every opportunity' that I found peace on this planet. :bunny:
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I would recommend a pointed stick, and the use of cuneiform if he is going to do this, not to mention latex gloves and a nose plug. I don't know about elsewhere, but in Canada, a slang term, 'log', describes a brown thingy dropped into the toilet, for flushing.
Yes it has that meaning in Oz as well Trab. We also refer to another appendage that originates between our legs as a log from time to time. But I know some people have confused their logs.
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"I know some people have confused their logs."OMG. Either error is horrible. Spanking the wrong log? EeewwwwwwFlushing the wrong log? Ooooowwwwww.

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