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Untamed, Untranslatable



Plans for celebrating New Year's Eve:

Step one: Strip to the skin.

Free yourself of the trappings of the dying year. To have nothing between you and the fresh embrace of the new solar cycle.

Step two: Throw open a window.

Feel the breath of the new year on your skin. Also, ventilation for step three.

Step three: Set fire to the previous year's calender.

Part with the previous year, setting it to rest on your own terms. All anxieties, fears, doubts, and sufferings of the previous year are set ablaze.

Step four: Tilt head to the sky and howl.

Clothed in nothing but December's embers and January's breeze, let your first utterance of the new year be an unintelligible vociferation. A cry of victory over the previous year and a challenge to the year to come - a proclamation of intent to live loudly and love intensely, letting no impediment overcome such august ambitions.

Step five: Sleep.

'Cause it's late and I've got work in the morning. What? I can be practical, sometimes, too.

"I must create my own system, or be enslav'd by another man's."

-William Blake


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Step six: Get up, go to the door, and explain to the cops why you were standing naked in front of the window shouting at the moon while the revelers below were looking up and giggling at you.C

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Step six: Get up, go to the door, and explain to the cops why you were standing naked in front of the window shouting at the moon while the revelers below were looking up and giggling at you.
Heh, the cops had more to worry about than me. I'm just a harmless provocateur, man. Mostly Harmless, at least. Though I'm a bit taken aback by the presumption that on-lookers would be giggling. Be ye implying that mine masculine wiles strike less than fear in the hearts of all who daren't avert their eyes? :wav:
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Is 'wiles' a misspelling of 'willy'? An intentional one? I mean, that's pretty clever, putting that idea in our minds with an aliteration.But you needn't let your insecurities all hang out like that. Giggling could come from a number of reasons, and is does you a disservice to assume it stems from the sight of your dangly bits and their provocation of amusement. Giggling might be from the sight of a youth baying at the moon, or perhaps the off key manner of the baying. It might be from whatever soundtrack you have oozing out the window around you. Although, from your previous blog entries, you might be more offended with people finding your taste in music risible than seeing your masculinity exposed to their glances.Anyway, please keep writing. People only laugh at that when you intend them to.C

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It might be from whatever soundtrack you have oozing out the window around you. Although, from your previous blog entries, you might be more offended with people finding your taste in music risible than seeing your masculinity exposed to their glances.
It was "Hey Rebekka" by Stray Bullets, if you were curious. And you're right - I'd be waaaay more offended at people giggling at my taste in music than at...er, the conductor's baton.
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