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56. Doors of Love II



Cole has provided some advice on making contact with the boys:

With your charm and grace and dissembling ability, I'm sure you'll be friends in no time and be invited over for tea. Remember the witticism, a stranger is simply a friend you've yet to meet. For you, it should be easy to turn dialing incompetence into an asset.


I imagine the following might be the outcome of taking Cole's advice.

"Oh Hi. I was just walking past your garage door when I thought you might be able to help me with my phone. I don't seem to be able to get the camera thingy working on the phone and wondered if you nice muscly boys have a clue?"

"Ahh, yeah, sure Pops, we can help," said the twinkier one of the two.

In less time than it takes to say "What nice thighs you have," I found myself the proud owner of the only mobile phone in existence to have a footprint on its surface from where it was kick-boxed into terminating its services. The blood will probably wash off, I am sure, but there are several broken thingamy-jigs and holes in the plastic case.

Still the boys did serve nice cake and tea, when we got back from the emergency room where the Kung-Fu expert had to have several small transistors and printed circuit board pieces removed from his foot under a local anesthetic. His friend held his hand throughout the procedure. The surgeon wasn't going to let him, until they showed him the medical power of attorney they held in each others names.

I did think they went a bit far when they kissed and shouted "Hooray" every time the surgeon removed another bit of plastic from his foot.

I tried to pay for the emergency room but they said they were completely covered medically as a condition that their parents had insisted on when they told them they were going to live together.

It seems that their parents were hoping for grandchildren and didn't want them to have any unexpected hospital bills.

Feeling somewhat defeated and quite phoneless, I decided to drive home. The boys with their arms around each other waved me farewell, while the sunset over suburbia in a blaze of innocence not seen since before apple trees grew in Eden.

Unlike the previous entry this one is based loosely on fictitious thoughts inspired by Cole's above advice.



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Talking about misdialing, I got a very chipper "Good morning sunshine" one time, at 3:50 a.m. I was thoroughly pissed off, particularly since I didn't recognize the voice. I snarled a query, as to who might this intruder be, and she said something about maybe she had misdialed, but I didn't need to be so snarky about it. "Well, how would you feel getting a wrong number call at 4 a.m?" I snarled once again. "What? What do you mean, it's almost 7 a.m." "Uh, what number did you call?" She proceeded to give me a number that matched mine exactly, but when I asked for the area code, the error was clear. She'd dialled MY area, the west coast of North America, but wanted one on the east coast, 3 hours different in time zones. By this point, I'd almost become human again, and we both had a good laugh over it.

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I did think they went a bit far when they kissed and shouted "Hooray" every time the surgeon removed another bit of plastic from his foot.
:lol: :lol: OMG I can't stop laughing!...Ok stopped. *phew*Maybe someone should make a movie of those two? Story anyone? The adventures of the accident-prone twinks? Ah. If no one would take it, I'd grab it. LOL. But Des owns the copyright. :lol: Oh, Gawd, Des. :lol: I wish you WOULD 'misdial' their number then invite them to tea (NO SEDATIVES! :lol: ) LOL And introduce them to us. :lol:
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:lol: :lol: OMG I can't stop laughing!...Ok stopped. *phew*Maybe someone should make a movie of those two? Story anyone? The adventures of the accident-prone twinks? Ah. If no one would take it, I'd grab it. LOL. But Des owns the copyright. :lol: Oh, Gawd, Des. :lol: I wish you WOULD 'misdial' their number then invite them to tea (NO SEDATIVES! :lol: ) LOL And introduce them to us. :lol:
What if they discover AwesomeDude and take out a hit on those of us who laughed at their antics?Now I know there is nothing malicious in our seeing the humour of the boys, but they might not be so understanding. (I am sure the Dude does not want to see the site Kung-Fued.)This might be especially so if you write a story or make a movie called "Gay and Gayer."On the other-hand Hylas, there is nothing stopping you from writing a fictitious story about a gay couple who stumble through life with enduring love and innocent naivete.I think I would avoid sex scenes though as that would be just too mean to describe their most likely, virginal status. :lol:
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On the other-hand Hylas, there is nothing stopping you from writing a fictitious story about a gay couple who stumble through life with enduring love and innocent naivete.I think I would avoid sex scenes though as that would be just too mean to describe their most likely, virginal status.
Are you sure? :lol: Coz even now I feel my muse start to stir in her grave... :lol: And NO WAY I'd avoid sex scenes! :lol:
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Are you sure? :lol: Coz even now I feel my muse start to stir in her grave... :lol: And NO WAY I'd avoid sex scenes! :lol:
Hylas, It is no infringement of copyright for you to write a story around fictional characters that just happen to be as naive as the two boys I saw in real life.Of course I might draw on them also in a future story, but truth be told if your muse is stiff in her grave, you are in deep doo-doo.Still you might find a delightful incident in which our heroes become involved. As for the sex, I think you will destroy their innocence with gross descriptions of their actual sexual activity. Alluding to those activities, as I did with their attempts to straighten the garage door is the key to concentrating the humour in images for the minds of the reader.Perhaps Res Ipsa Loquitur's idea of the 50's sitcom, which also occurred to me is going too far in the other direction. (although separate twin beds does have a certain appeal as a plot device.)We readers need the room to imagine the antics they get up to, for the comedy to work.Also while I admit that I may have embellished the descriptions of the incident in the original post, it did actually happen. Therein also lies the key to it its amusement. Typically Australian in its dumb naivete also is a key element.So I would suggest stories based on some cultural elements in your experience without being ethnically derogatory or hateful would be just as successful so long as the characters have a degree of universal human truth about them.Still all that is a bit too deep an analysis for such pleasant story line whose object is comedy.Why not give it all a try in servitude to your muse and share the results with us. I'll release the copyright on the characters for all who want to utilise them as they were afterall merely reported in writing in my blog, on the condition that no one restricts the use of them for others. The actual stories of course would each be copyrighted to its author.Commercial interests beware, we will enter into a class action for deprivation of income should you try to sell or make profit from these poor boys. Is that fair? what do you all think? :lol:
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Quote from Des:Unlike the previous entry this one is based loosely on fictitious thoughts inspired by Cole's above advice.This was definitely serendipity, to get some new imaginings out of Des as a result of my throw-away description of him. What I expecting back from that, if anything, was a rant about my spurious suggestion that he had the art of dissembling down to a science. Instead, we get Chapter 2 of the continuing saga of Mr. Allthumbs and his mate, Sorefoot. Well done, Des, and don't farm out the franchise. You're doing great all by yourself.C

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Yeah MOAH! :P We should probably send a surveillance team.And thanks Des. :) I'll try to make something... /me bodily hauls his muse off the grave and sits her to tea.

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Then again, the boys may be faithful readers of AwesomeDude et al.Do you suppose they've set up a garage door opener / workout bench in the driveway?Perhaps they've installed "gaydar motion sensors" around the yard, for when you next visit?Ah, one hopes the lovebirds are happily oiling each other's muscles (or whatever it is they do) even as we type.

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