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Noodle Necklace 2: Electric Syphilis



So, you might have noticed, but I kinda vanished from the face of the internet for the last couple of weeks. Couple reasons for it. First, the semester's coming to a close, which means all those projects/papers that I've been putting off...well, they can't be put off any longer. As such, I'm working double-time in the research department, and have more or less established one corner of the college library as mine. To the point where people go there to look for me, before trying me at home or calling my cell. My corner kind of resembles a cell, actually, but not the portable kind.

Speaking of cell phones, that brings me to the other reason I've been seemingly vaporized. For about two weeks, I was worthlessly, bedriddenly sick. Like, wearing a pile of winter coats under an electric blanket in 70 degree weather, unable to do anything but shiver and cough sick. The docs said it was strep, but I know better.

Joey Gumb, of Forever on a Tree fame, sent me a picture via cell phone. This picture was of a plastic action figure shaped like (supposedly) an angry syphilis germ. Attached was a caption along the lines of "I just gave you syphilis, bitch." The next day? Sick.

That's right, ladies and gents. Biological warfare on the net-author front. He's obviously trying to take out the competition by infecting his contemporaries with e-syphilis (compatible with iPus). I got back at him, though. I made that picture of the syphilis germ his custom icon. This means that whenever he texts me, a little syphilis germ pops up to let me know. Heh.

Bad news is, since it's a Textually Transmitted Disease, anyone I've texted since is at risk of contracting the e-syph. I suggest taking peni-cell-in.

In non-syphilis news, I found out that, if all goes according to plan, I'll be graduating at this time next year. Huzzah for getting into the job market right when there's a huge recession! But I've got a secret weapon. That's right: macaroni necklace. Oh, yes, I'm bringing out the big guns. Nobody turns down an applicant with uncooked pasta around his neck. Know why? Shows I'm prepared. "Yeah, I see you eyeing my noodles. Go ahead and laugh, but when the great Midwest Earthquake hits, and we're trapped under a pile of rubble, then we'll see who's laughing: the guy with no food, or the guy with a string of carbohydrates strewn 'round his clavicle."

Keep the sails high, pavement pirates.

"And that?s the reason that we came and add a twist-ah.

I thought that punk was all about the freedom, mister!

Don't want to be the sound to tick off your list,

We're bigger than this punk rock!"

"Bigger Than Punk Rock" by Sonic Boom Six


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You sir, are a fucking rat bastard and I've lost all respect for you.I mean you KNOWINGLY have a textually transmitted disease (TTD) and yet you type here, and risk infecting all of us.Thankfully raccoons can't get people diseases. I am quite put out with you for being so inconsiderate. TTDs are preventable and here you are with BLATANTLY CALLOUS DISREGARD for everyone's health.PS: I sincerely do hope you're feeling better :)

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I'll leave it to The Wibcat to worry about TTDs. He's an expert in that sort of thing, and discussing all the permutations thereof. I, on the other hand, have a legitimate question.You said a while ago that you were practice teaching, and loving it. When I took teacher training many years ago--training that came to nought--we had practice teaching in the last year. Yet you said you still have another year to go, so you did classroom training in either your sophomore or junior years? Is that right? That seems early to me.But could you fill me it a little? Are you still becoming a teacher? I think you'd be magnificent at that.C

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Are you still becoming a teacher? I think you'd be magnificent at that.C
I agree. Magnificent, punkesque, AND with odd socks. What could be better in a teacher?
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I mean you KNOWINGLY have a textually transmitted disease (TTD) and yet you type here, and risk infecting all of us.
Time for a telescreen confession, then. "I deliberately contracted syphilis with the intention of spreading it to other Party members..."
You said a while ago that you were practice teaching, and loving it. When I took teacher training many years ago--training that came to nought--we had practice teaching in the last year. Yet you said you still have another year to go, so you did classroom training in either your sophomore or junior years? Is that right? That seems early to me.
Yep, I'm still working toward a teaching degree. Middle school science and language arts.My school is set up differently than most when it comes to their education program (which is why I chose it - schools in this area tend to move applicants from my college to the top of the stack). We do field assignments every year. Two days as freshmen, two weeks as sophomores, a month as juniors, and a full semester as seniors. That way, we get to do a bunch of different grade levels (4-9), different subjects, and different school districts (urban, rural, suburban), with increasing numbers of lessons and responsibilities each time. We get to work with a lot of different teachers in a lot of different settings, with the hope that we'll be able to fit in wherever they throw us.I'll be finished with all of my theory/classroom courses at the end of this Fall, so I'll be able to do my full semester of field work/research in the spring.
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I was thinking about you only a few days ago, wondering if you were okay as I hadn't seen sight nor sign of you on the net.Now it seems you have been earnestly studying the transmission of various social diseases.Truly you will be a great teacher.I wish I was young enough to be in one of your classes.Do you like orangutans? :wav:

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Des, stop hitting on the younger guys! It's unseemly.And makes us older guys jealous.
If Ele wanted an older guy I doubt there's one among us who wouldn't throw ourselves at the Altar of Ele in a heartbeat.
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