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Pre - Blog



Well, here goes.

Finally at two minutes to midnight... I think I found the right forumla for AwesomeDude Forums a.k.a. AD Forums and the blogs and the chatroom. It is still 12 hours before the promised stroke of midnight EDT ushering in September 1st. That will give me a few waking hours to finish up the last of the changes to the AD Home Page and the new AD-Lite pages.

Labor Day... hmmm if I were living in the States, I'd be celebrating this weekend with everybody else I guess, my feet up and resting... but in The Third World... May 1st is Labor Day.

I have just decided bed time is not a good time to start blogging... So I'll pick this up in the morning my time... oh... in case you didn't know... I am writing this from the North West corner of The Island of Borneo. Now is that third world or isn't it? :icon10:


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Everyday, almost religiously, I check your blog expecting some ... I dunno, just something. And, and ... and nothing. Not a sausage, not even a hint of a tint of what makes his Dudeness tick.Meh.Still, on a more positive note the site ROCKS! so thanks! :wink:Camy :goofy:

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Oh kwitcher whining Camy. :goofy: Just kiddin'. But there was a tidbit on the radio forum, his dudeness works for Sirius. After seeing how long it takes just to READ the stuff on the site and forum, I cannot even imagine the time it takes to RUN the thing. I'd like to know where dude gets his extra 12 hours extra per day. The rest of us poor slobs only have 24 hours in a day.

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