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Why Dildo?



Timmy at, 'A Place Of Safety' recently posted this ad for making a dildo of yourself, and then asked why?

So I replied thus:

I can think of four reasons, Timmy.

1. It allows the individual to experience what others experience when he is topping them. :wacko:

2. It would make a nice conversation piece on the coffee table. :am[1]: At least it would alert the overnight guest as to what he is in for, :armwrestle[1]: as well as letting your visiting parents know how much you have matured. :hehe:

3. As a parting gift to one's ex boyfriend. :argue[1]: (Also as a bequeathed item in one's last will and testament. If copies are made, everyone could have one, and they could be 'handled' around at the funeral service.) :conga[1]:

4. Because most people like to oblige others, the newly made dildo from your own member will assist you to fulfil the direction sometimes made by others to, "Go F**k yourself." :spank:

I am also interested in testing a pet theory of mine that the individual's rectum is probably the inverse shape of one's own penis. If this is true then the dildo should be a very snug and satisfying fit.

Of course it might be better to find one's body twin, er...sorry I mean, soul mate. :afterglow[1]:

No doubt y'all will have some alternative reasons.


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Reminds me of the life work of Cynthia 'Plaster Caster' Albritton. She got more than her fifteen minutes of fame back in the seventies and was an inspiration to many of us. I'll append a wee bit of her Wiki bio:'...Shy as a young girl, Cynthia sought out a way to make contact with the opposite sex. In the mid-1960s she became caught up in free love and rock music. In college, when her art teacher gave the class an assignment to "plaster cast something solid that could retain its shape", her idea to use the assignment as a lure to entice rock stars to have sex with her became a hit, even before she made a cast of anyone's genitalia. Finding a dental moldmaking substance called alginate to be sufficient, she found her first client in Jimi Hendrix, the first of many to submit to the idea.Meeting Frank Zappa, who found the concept of "casting" both humorous and creative as an art form, Albritton found in him something of a patron. He moved her to Los Angeles, California, which she described as a veritable groupie heaven, with no lack of assistants. Together, Zappa and Albritton conceived an idea of preserving the casts of musicians for a future exhibition...'While I admire your scheme, Des, you've left out the possibility for incorporating candlemaking technology to produce a line of personal votive candles.James

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Cynthia is quite a legend in the casts of the phallus. As for the candle; I thought I had best leave the wick for someone else to light, and you didn't disappoint, James.PS. You know how pleasant hot dripping candle wax can be, don't you?

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You know how pleasant hot dripping candle wax can be, don't you?
Yowch!That reminds me of the time I tried to remove extraneous hairs with a bunsen burner. ;)
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Des:You've spent a great deal of time pondering (please note the use of the letter 'o' there) things that have escaped my attention altogether. Glad to think someone is ruminating about these things. Just where would we be, as a society, if no one was wondering if his own rectum was a perfect match for his own phallus?Boggles the mind. That's what it does. We need more creative thinkers like you. Especially ones like you who bemuse us with their investigative journalism.C

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I got brave and peeked. I'm too busy laughing for my shy or uptight self to be outraged or embarrassed.

While it occurs to me that making a cast of one's appendage might be either overly exciting or overly constricting, depending on one's feelings, I will also admit to two other reasons:

# It beats the heck out of making something destructive.

# If you've ever wanted one for each hand, now's your chance!

# If anyone has ever said you are a big d***, now they can know just how big.

# When you have guests come over, you'll immediately know who likes nude sculpture and who doesn't, and who is a bit uptight and who is more, ah, relaxed and open-minded.

# When Dad needs to talk to Junior about the birds and the bees, now Dad will have a lifelike visual aid for the discussion of condoms, instead of that goofy banana. Although the humor factor with the banana is perhaps a plus.

# If Junior gets brave enough to ask ol' Dad about other boys, regarding the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees, then ol' Dad, being the gutsy sort of man he is, now has that same lifelike visual aid so Dad and Junior won't feel so awkward having that discussion about Junior's buddy in the second row in English class.

....Not that, you know, I'd know about that cute boy in the second row in English class....Nope, it never occurred to me how nice he was and how nice it would be if....More to the point, I never did get to find out if he thought I was nice that way too....

Aha! Now there's an idea!

# Fun science experiment! Or art class! Buy two kits. Heck, buy a dozen! Invite your best friend over and have a memory you can share the rest of your lives! Way better than a photo, you can share your...uhhh....

OK, I'm thinking, "Hey Johnny, wanna come over, stick your wiener in some goo until it gets hard (the goo and your wiener!) and then get it off (the cast or the...)..." Um, yeah, I'm not too sure how that would go over, even with your more adventuresome buddies....

Then again, perhaps that's shortchanging, underestimating your buddies; dare I say, not giving them their full measure. It could be a lengthy discussion.

Yeah, so maybe it was me or the guys I hung out with, I dunno. Darn it!

# Give a kit away as a gift! I guarantee, the guy will wonder what your intended message was, whether you think he'd like to share, or whether you think he's such a big p**** that he needs one.... :devil:

Um. Yes. Right. I'll just be quiet now, eh?

Yeah, it's always the shy, quiet ones, isn't it? :rotfl:

P.S. -- Don't tell my uptight inner self. He'd be so embarrassed, just knowing I responded.

Responded? What? ... My subconscious just loves to get me in so much trouble, no matter what I type. :blush: :angel:

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