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What's Happening in New Mexico

Richard Norway


Well guys and gals, I've been busy, and that's why you haven't seen me post much lately. I still read all the posts, but don't take the time I should to be a part of this community that I love and admire.

Last year, the Harvey Milk Foundation commissioned a play to be produced and it was completed last year. I was able to acquire the script, music and photos, ROYALTY FREE, to produce the play about Harvey Milk in schools to be royalty free. It needs to be produced on Sunday, May 22, 2011, Harvey's birthday. I contacted a local charter 'arts' high school, and today about noon, they agreed that it was a good fit for them and agreed the run the show with their theater arts department. But, they also suggested that we include the other high schools in the effort. I contacted a coordinator of the GSA network in the other high schools in Las Cruces and we're good to go to get them involved.

I am so excited about this project to help get the word out that WE are a part of our society and that we are a part of you and have something to say.

I've never produced a play or anything like this before, and don't know what I'm facing, but I know one thing...this will be done. We're (New Mexico GLBTQ Centers) is partnering with PFLAG Las Cruces to do this, but this is a Centers project, I'm taking the lead.

I go to bed at night and dream about the difference that one individual can make. It doesn't take much, just a commitment to what you believe in.


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