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Posts posted by Merkin

  1. When I first read this wonderful tale back in 2004 the tv series Get Smart was still current enough in memory to provide a resonant backdrop to the zany antics of two sophomoric gay love puppies in pursuit of two canny senior big dawgs. In “Control and Chaos” David Buffet, himself a school teacher, writes about barely-believable high school rites of passage for hormone–driven gay students, but his depiction of these four is so creative, so well wrought and charming, and so hilarious it led me to reread it several times over.  Everything works:  the dialogue is delicious, the settings are convincing, and the boys themselves are works of art. Thanks, Mike, for bringing this back to our attention.

  2. Agreed.  Every story Mihangel wrote is heartfelt and exquisite.

    Upon Reading Mihangel's Those Old Gods

    The old god saw our hearts' desire:
    our love, or lust, or art, or dire
    deeds done; all known. We had his nod
    when we believed, and showed the god
    our noble aim. Our only thought,
    the honesty of love. We sought
    to venerate, and hoped to gain
    his approval and acclaim.

    But we forgot. An aeon's toll has taken
    our knowledge of his ways. We live forsaken.

    We are no more protected: we've left
    our heritage, and thus bereft
    we may no longer call for aid--
    until such time as can be paid
    an offering where love abounds,
    and two united should be found
    whose lips and hearts resound above
    the name Maponus, god of love.

    The sacrifice, though scant, is quite sublime.
    Required, but a splash of lovers' wine.


  3. Chapter 2, and who could have predicted it? 

    Cole just keeps on stirring that fiction-laden brain of his and before you know it he’s cooking up a revolution.  Although I can’t say I’d like to do a belly-flop into the school pool with all my bits dangling.
    I would probably have enjoyed reading Melville in the nude.  I sure didn’t while fully clothed.

  4. Ahh, I do remember the smell of my rural countryside, Pennsylvania in the spring, when farmers spread their fields with the bounty of manure--cow, pig, chicken--they had been saving up all winter.  That was the balance of Nature that I learned about as a kid.  Don't drive country roads with your windows open in the spring.  As awful as it was I have to say I miss it. 

  5. Check out a new story “Cade’s Way” over on Nifty by Joshua Elston, a writer I don’t know much about yet but now I’ll be sure to watch out for his work.  The tale is complete (I think) in this single installment and it is the most beautiful rendition of the moment of gay realization and coming out that I’ve run across in a long long time. If you are as moved by it as I was please let the author know; his is a talent that deserves encouragement.

    James Merkin

  6. Terezin

    Prisoners in the Nazi SS concentration camp at Terezín, Czechoslovakia,
    were allowed to delay their deaths by performing music.

    Did the sound of the songs mute the weeping?
    Could the swell of the orchestra mask the anguish?
    Would the guards ever pause to listen?
    Did they halt the trains for the music?
    Does barbed wire vibrate like violin strings?

    There can be no encore.



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