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Posts posted by Merkin

  1. This is a wonderful story, written by a master.  As soon as I finished reading it, I read it all again.  Although I know nothing about the game of golf I do know about determination and commitment and purity of the heart, and this story has all that.  I am so glad it is here for us on  Awesome Dude.  It deserves also to be in some major print publication.

  2. Oops, messed that up.  Chapter 52 Spoiler Alert:



    Chapter 52:  I fear Johnny is in great danger of losing control of his aspirations.  His minders and bodyguards are busy steering his physical wellbeing, and his father and other vested interests seem intent on wrenching control of his Flying Lady replica project away from him and into the swamp of media production.  His plan for a decent year’s effort toward A level achievement will probably be derailed by the hysteria of film-making, while the grounding he experiences in the routines of boatyard work seems doomed.  And where is Joseph headed?  That’s a showdown yet to come.


  3. I’ll second that sentiment.  Mike’s “Hide and Seek” reprise served to kick off my own binge reread of the Henry series, so much better understood as a lump sum, despite bloodshot eyes.  The incredible scope of Mike’s planning and plotting is revealed—an awesome undertaking, perhaps only possible for a professional historian to achieve. Sadly, the price one must pay when following this saga through to its completion centuries into our future is the inevitable loss of favorite characters along the way.

  4. I don't say this often enough, Nigel, but I'm loving this story.  Not only is it fascinating to watch Johnny grow and mature and take more and more control of himself and his prospects, but also I am enjoying the bonus of learning so much about English law and financial matters.  I hope this tale will go on and on and on.

  5. As I may have mentioned, my understanding of, and interest in, British versions of puddings is strictly limited to Sticky Toffee Pudding.  (Sorry, had to step out a moment to check some addresses). I found out about STP when in England about ten years ago.  While hiking in the lake district I stumbled upon a hotel hosting a meeting of the Sticky Toffee Club, where I learnt that STP was not only an addictive guilty pleasure, but it was also a moveable feast and the Club had a circuit of such feasts planned over the weeks to come.  Somehow I had more BritRail passes than I knew what to do with, and so spent the next few weeks following the circuit, scarfing down puddings, and hiking off the calories in the days between meetings. 
    Since returning to the States I've often longed for STP and I finally located a lady in Texas who bakes and sends out what seems to me to be an authentic STP.  You may want to try it, but be warned it is extraordinarily expensive, although each cupcake-sized pudding can be considered two servings if you consider the calory count.

    I think the club in England still exists; here's a glimpse of their activities: 

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