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Posts posted by Merkin

  1. Aside from the use of Cockney to confuse that particular mystery, Cole, I believe Dick Francis made a real effort to give his American readers access to his work by taking time within his novels to explain British quirks and customs.  Once he became famous he resided in Florida and rarely returned to England except to deposit his cheques.

  2. 5 hours ago, Cole Parker said:

    That's another term, savoury, that you guys use frequently and it means something else over here.  To us savory is an adjective, never a noun, and it designates a good flavor, often a sharp or strong one.   Also, we spell it correctly.   🙄


    As is the word 'sweet'.  For shame, Cole, I thought you'd be caught up on that distinction between meat-based and sugar-based treats--haven't you been watching The Great British Baking Show ?  At any rate, this discussion appears to be endlessly misunderstood, and I think any good English/Irish/Scots cookbook would clarify everything for the Yanks among us.  Plus I think the Brits have been having us on just a bit.


  3. Pay no attention to Camy, Cole.  That salad and many like it are served all over the South.  The classic version of it is the Waldorf Salad, using apples and raisins and celery.  The main controversy about these salads seems to be whether to use Duke's mayonnaise or some other brand. Since I grew up in New England I prefer to use Hellman's and as a result my fruit salads are often shunned at local covered-dish suppers here in Virginia.

  4. On 12/25/2021 at 5:18 PM, Nigel Gordon said:

    Not sure where to put this post, we could do with a find story subject.

    I am trying to find a story which I am certain is on AD. It is based in a public school which I is in the north of England or might even be in Scotland. The main character in the story befriends a new boy who has been sent to the school as somewhere to hide him. The boy is taken ill and the main character's intervention saves him. The story ends on a farm in the South of England in a shoot out.

    I read this story years ago and it impressed me with its plot line, which I recommended to a friend. He's asked me about it and I can't now remember its title or the author. Can anybody help?


    I, too, remember that story Nigel--only bits and pieces, however, and sadly not enough to help you with your query.  However maybe between the two of us we can jog someone else's memory.  The additional detail I remember:  the fugitive student is being hidden from an uncle in Africa who wants to take over the family lands and fortune after a dreadful slaughter of the new boy's family.  The boy is the only survivor.  Our main character befriends him and becomes his protector, a role enhanced by the main character's involvement with the school's cadet corps (? what is it called in England?) and and this leads later to identification of the new boy's pursuers while they are on a cadet  training exercise. Later in the story both boys are at the main character's rather lavish family farm while the rest of the family are away, and they are forced to defend the holding from a team of assassins deployed to kill the new boy.  I think there may also be a later scene set in Africa... it's all very hazy, and I'm somewhat led to believe I read it on a site like IOMfAtS.  I hope that helps to add some pertinent detail to your query?

  5. Out of Stock

    Christmas comes but once a year—
    your credit card has nothing to fear
    for credit lines are infinitely long
    and pleas to buy are in every song.

    The debt piles up and threatens to sink
    household budgets and drive you to drink
    while lending mongers wave new offers
    designed to tie you to their coffers

    At least until another season
    of hyped-up giving exceeds all reason,
    and increases every obligation
    for the citizens of this sad nation,

    All of whom seem to have turned away
    from the real basis for this holiday:
    how can Peace on Earth still be sought
    when Amazon says it can’t be bought?


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