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Blog Entries posted by DesDownunder

  1. DesDownunder
    I've been tired and not feeling the best, mainly because the best keep well away from any one my age. Okay, that's not true. The best do come near me, but it is a curiosity thing with them, I think. They still won't let me feel them though.
    I could view my present frame of mind as feeling the worst, but that wouldn't really help either, as the worst won't let me feel them either.
    Maybe my mind is horny and is sick of waiting for my body to catch up to it.
    Yeah, I reckon that would explain a lot.
  2. DesDownunder
    So I am surfing away on the web at midnight when the browser announces that the WWW may be having problems.
    "Did you type the site address properly?" it insolently asks me.
    "Perhaps the site you are trying to connect is down." it rudely suggests.
    "Yeah and maybe you are a *%^@$&!x*& of a browser," I yell at it.
    My partner appears at the door looking very concerned, "Are you all right?" he asks.
    "The net has gone down on me," I tell him.
    "I wish I could get someone to go down on me," he says dejectedly as he turns and heads back to the bedroom.
    He doesn't understand the Internet at all.
    I look at the blank screen of the browser, " Now look what you have done," I curse at it through gritted teeth.
    I inspect the modem lights, all on; DSL is functioning. "Oh why won't you work?" I thump on the key board.
    "It's tired and wants a rest," says the voice of my darling from the bedroom.
    "Yeah right. I pay enough for it not to want to rest," I shout back.
    "Forget about it and come to bed," he wantonly replies.
    Switching off the computer , I yell back to him, "I'm coming."
    "I'm glad someone is," mutters the voice of my beloved.
    It's going to be one of those nights.
    I just hope I have enough strength.

  3. DesDownunder
    April Fools has inspired me to write a foolish story.
    As Blue writes:
    "The Gay Prank"
    "~ Brad and Dale want to come out, though they feel a little foolish, and their parents' slip is showing. "
    Hope you all enjoy it.
    (A fool and his story are soon parted).
  4. DesDownunder
    Why do I do these things to myself?
    I am obsessed with sound and music and drama...don't say it...I know what you are thinking...drama-queen! Right? I suppose it sounds better than music-Queen.
    So I decided I would record my poems for posterity. "Why Butterfly" was a test post.
    Just posted at Codey's World is my poem called, "A Scent of Love."
    This was not easy. I wanted to do something a bit different. I gave much thought to what I could do with the poem.
    I began rehearsing the lines while driving across the city of Adelaide to the Video store.
    Have you ever noticed that other drivers think you are a little weird when you talk out loud whilst driving the car?
    One fellow circled his finger around his ear to signify that he thought I had bats in the belfry.
    I smiled at him, but he put his foot to the floor and drove off in a huff.
    I continued reciting my poem out loud in the car. Just as I recited the line, "I loved him and forever I could tell..." at the traffic lights a woman looked at me from the safety of her car and smiled at me. If I read her lips correctly she either said, "It's alright dear" or "He's not worth it."
    On top of all that I caught a cold or flu or something and my voice went hoarse. I was neighing and hacking everywhere all over the poem, all over the house and all over me.
    The car was the only place I didn't cough. Maybe I have found a cure for coughing, drive the car.
    Determined like the trooper I am I pressed on and after weeks of cursing the beta of Audacity (great program) and auditioning a great cast of character ideas, rehearsing the musicians, and consulting with my doctor, who stupidly told me to go home to bed, I finally finished the epic.
    It is now available to hear for your amusement at Codey's World sound page:
    You decide if I am a drama queen or not.
  5. DesDownunder
    Cole Parker's latest story, Dominos, caused Altimexis to go into hysterics, and me to travel back to a memory of a defining moment.
    Rather than clutter up the Forum, I have posted that memory here in my blog.
    I was 14 and the film 'Blue Denim' had just been released. Now I should explain I loved movies. Every Saturday afternoon I was permitted to go to the local cinema to see the 'Kid's Matinee' as they called it back in 1959. We had no TV in those days.
    In a fit of pubescent inquisitiveness and teenage rebellion, I had bought a pair of blue denim jeans during my school lunch hour. My parents did not know. They would never have allowed me to own such a terrible item of clothing.
    Came the following Saturday and I kissed my mum goodbye and headed off to what she thought was the 'Kid's Matinee'. Instead I caught the bus to the city and managed to buy a ticket to see the 'Adults Only' movie, 'Blue Denim.' It starred the then teenage actors Carol Lynley and Brandon De Wilde.
    The movie's plot was basically that parents' dislike of blue denim jeans was justified because Brandon wears them, and he gets Carol pregnant; much to the snickers of the cinema audience. When Brandon finds out that Carol is with child, there is much guilt on screen as the pair admit their parents' trusted them.
    For some reason that escaped me at the tender age of 14, when the audience heard that line, they burst out into near, apoplectic laughter.
    I was horrified at the insensitivity of my fellow cinema patrons. Didn't they understand how much trouble the characters were in?
    Did they think it was appropriate to laugh at someone else's misfortune? I spent the rest of the movie wondering why my fellow patrons found the situation of these two teenagers so funny.
    I was very, very, disappointed with humanity.
    As the movie continued towards its conclusion, I became aware that my own teenager perspective was naive, even immature. It dawned on me that the reason the movie was 'Adults Only' was because older people would indeed find these kid's concerns with what their parents thought of them and their sexual experience as being humorous.
    I wasn't altogether happy with them, but I at least came to see why the adults were laughing.
    I was also deeply aware that I would have liked to have offered Brandon De Wilde the opportunity of trying to get me pregnant.
    By the movies end, I had realised that the adults in the audience had a perspective of life that I was just beginning to understand.
    So it was that I read the first chapter of Cole's new story with that same kind of acceptance, of Bradley's innocence, as I had for the characters in that movie of long ago. I empathised with his predicament rather than finding it funny, even though I could see as I read it how it might be viewed as humorous. And this early experience came flooding back into my mind.
    Now I have no idea if Cole wanted us to be amused, bemused or sympathetic. My guess is he wanted all three as well as whetting our appetite for more. Altimexis' amusement and my reminiscences are legitimate responses in my opinion, and both show the extraordinary power of Cole's sublime writing.

  6. DesDownunder
    Fellow Blogarians, or is that Blogites?
    I am suffering from some computer malfunctions...err what I mean is, that the computer is misbehaving in quite dramatic ways never before seen by man or boy.
    Win XP has determined that my programs need to be installed whilst I am in the middle of using them??? On top of that the file associations are all dropping back to the command line mode, which looks like DOS, but isn't because Micro$oft said that XP doesn't have any DOS.
    So if I seem to be not here, I am busy fixing it so I can return as quickly as possible.
    I think it is okay now but just in case... you know that I have not run off or been run over by a bus.
  7. DesDownunder
    Sometimes we just get carried away with a story or other kind of work, that makes us so pleased we lived long enough to read it or see it or hear it.
    So in a fit of rampant abandonment of all restraint I have taken down my treasured Avatar that means a great deal to me personally.
    My new avatar is probably a better description of me anyway. I certainly feel related to him.
    Anyway I would like to announce that I will now use my EnthMan symbol (my old avatar) as symbol of my appreciation of work that for me exemplifies quality and excellence in its field of artistic endeavour, including literature, visual and audio arts and anything else I feel like presenting it to.
    Why not make a symbol too and present it to people who have provided you with the pleasure of their talents.
    No No do not send sticky stamps of your symbol to your favourite film star,
    That is not what I mean.

    I am pleased to announce the first recipients are Cole Parker for Duck Duck Goose.
    Codey for From the Heart
    And Camy/Codey for the song Broken Heart.
    Please remember folks this is just me recognising my favourite meaningful works.
  8. DesDownunder
    So my blog is 50 entries old. I never would have thought it possible.
    A Poet's Idiocy
    I was never enamoured with long-winded but truncated sentences that rhymed or not.
    Poetic pretentious philosophical ponderings in abbreviated form with obscure meanings of whatever is being described is not something I generally enjoy in poetry. (There are exceptions.)
    At our local poetry reading group,
    I must confess to being somewhat bored
    With descriptions of tangled clothes on the ironing board
    By one single word after another,
    Seemingly to state the obvious bother,
    Of ironing clothes simply to impress,
    Neighbours who could not care less.
    I have always preferred the narrative notions contained in story poems.
    But to get to the nitty gritty, it is Shakespeare, Ben Johnson, Tennyson, Taylor and their ilk that I liked as a student. I struggled with Homer's Odyssey and Shakespeare sounded nice but it took eons for me to comprehend the extraordinary richness in their work. Not a single word is unconnected to where he is taking his audience. Every poetic phrase is an insight into a human drama concealed in what almost seems to be infinite interpretation, yet is really just for holding the attention, for entertaining the audience. So simple. Yet by play's end we, the audience or readers, are more than when it started; it is cathartic, or at least it seems that way.
    The likes of Sophocles and Euripides reveal through the poetry of their plays, hidden psyches of the human being, masquerading as the imperfections of "The Gods" that would have to wait over 2000 years for Freud to begin our understanding of the depth of their statements and intuitions.
    The wandering minstrels of yore, told stories as they sang, as did that forerunner of the evening TV news, the "Town Crier." I wonder if they did commercials for the local traders? For example:
    "Hear ye, hear ye, The king fell off the throne today,
    And was assassinated by a masked woman,
    In pretence of being a man.
    She is described as looking a bit frumpy,
    Last seen dashing towards a village nearby.
    If thou hast any information regarding this woman,
    Please contact the Witch-hunt office at the olde butcher shop in High Street,
    Whence they will present a special on sausages all next week."

    Poetry is everywhere if you will but look and listen.
    "I think that I shall never see/ A poem lovely as a tree" is the first line of Joyce Kilmer's most famous poem, "Trees".
    Yet within every poem is a distillation of an idea
    Which may grow into a story of assorted love and fear.
    The poet is more than just a writer of rhymes,
    More than a chronicler who beautifies the times,
    The poet sings of what he sees, in words,
    So we will not kill them with our swords.
    The poet will reveal what we have left,
    By sharing the poetic life he has lived.
    When thoughts and feelings demand to be heard,
    Use of any old cliche seems absurd,
    For only a poet knows how to choose a word.
    Have no fear if you do not like poetry,
    All you scribes, with your tales of love and strife
    It's already in your ev'ry story,
    As you are living the poetic life.

  9. DesDownunder
    Nothing happened yesterday.
    The weather has changed, summer has gone and you will all be relieved no doubt, to know that I have had to put clothes on to keep warm. No more typing naked at the keyboard till November at the earliest, unless we turn the heater up way too high.
    Daylight saving ended last weekend here in Adelaide, Australia and it is dark by 6 pm. Still we may yet have a few more sunny days of warmth before our Southern Winter hits.
    The above is merely an inane entry to make sure that I can still type whilst wearing clothes.
  10. DesDownunder
    I am certain I have been suffering an URTI, an upper respiratory infection. Of course being a hypochondriac I was certain it was my dismal end until I started to feel better. Better enjoyed me feeling him too. I call him Better because he is better than me at coping with mild complaints. (I'm better at major surgical interventions.)
    So convinced was I, of my fate, I began a dismal poem about "The End."
    I may of course have to wait until I am dead to finish it as I want it to be accurate.
    I made a big batch of what I call my Lentil stew. It cost less than $10 for 14 meals.
    I deep freeze it and when ready just reheat it and do other things to it, like curry it or put it on noodles or both.
    We eat it in the dark whilst we watch a movie so we don't have to look at it.
    Now I can afford to buy next week's cheese and coffee.
  11. DesDownunder
    My latest story "Definitions" has just been posted at Codey's World.
    Definitions -my new story
    I hope you all enjoy reading it.
    Sometimes we forget how much effort and time goes into getting a story not only written, but also the people behind the scenes who edit and publish our stories for us wretched authors.
    I would like to thank Codey and Ben for their help and inspiration for this story.
    After you have read "Definitions" drop into the CW's homepage and have a look at all the other new stories and poems as well.
    Don't forget too, The AwesomeDude has wonderful stories and forums.
    We are so lucky to have these sites. Drop in and say "Hi", Let the author's and the site owners know you are enjoying the toils of their slaving. (Some of us even like positive criticism.)
    Most of us will reply with a big thank you.
    Okay I will stop there before I get emotional and start getting teary-eyed.

  12. DesDownunder
    Well that was quite a good distraction setting up this blog. I have no idea what I will do with it.
    I should be writing my April Fools' story. It is nearly finished.
    It is very foolish.
    Today's word of wisdom: Buy a dish washer, or get a boyfriend who won't moan about doing the dishes.
    I have left several notes for my reincarnation to remind myself to make the dish washer a number one priority in my next life, assuming of course I come back as a human being or something similar.
  13. DesDownunder
    This is totally unexpected.
    I was typing away working on special things for Codey's World (please see What's New at Codey's World from Ben) when the Muse suddenly appeared and dropped a story into my poor excuse for a head.
    So here it is my Chrissy present to you all in the form of a short story called, A Christmas Cage
    May you all feel like all your Christmases have come at once.
    Merry Christmas.

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