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Tanuki Racoon

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Posts posted by Tanuki Racoon

  1. The free program VDOWNLOADER will save YouTube videos for later viewing on your own computer.

    You can get VDOWNLOADER from here. (Pop-ups need to be on) After installation you will need to select English in the settings panel.

    DownloadHelper (Firefox extension) does this automatically. Click and done. Works with many other sites as well.


    Started 21 March 2009, Saturday, 201pm

    Chapter One: Finished 20 April, Apx 6900 words.

    Chapter Two: Finished 3 May, Apx 5400 words [12300 rt]

    Chapter Three: Finished 9 May 2009, Apx 3500 words. [15800 rt]

    Chapter Four: Finished 25 May 2009, Apx 4500 words.

    Chapter Four: Finished 30 May 2009, Apx 6400 words. [22200 rt]

    Chapter Five: Finished 14 June 2009, Apx 5100 words.

    Chapter Five: Finished 14 June 2009, Apx 5400 words. [27600 rt]

    I added a few hundred words to chapter five to make it flow better. Six will begin soon.

  3. Started 21 March 2009, Saturday, 201pm


    Chapter One: Finished 20 April, Apx 6900 words.

    Chapter Two: Finished 3 May, Apx 5400 words [12300 rt]

    Chapter Three: Finished 9 May 2009, Apx 3500 words. [15800 rt]

    Chapter Four: Finished 25 May 2009, Apx 4500 words.

    Chapter Four: Finished 30 May 2009, Apx 6400 words. [22200 rt]

    Chapter Five: Finished 14 June 2009, Apx 5100 words. [27300 rt]

  4. Kids in high school are kids. They like to do silly and crazy things and want to have fun. They don't worry about what adults might think. They don't care what adults might think. Cut them some slack. In five or ten or twenty years they'll be terribly embarrassed about what they did. They'll see social implications about what they did. They'll wish they never did what they did. For now, let's leave them alone and let them do what they want to do without trying to load them down with a lot of adult baggage.

    OMG! You sound like an adult. Perish the thought.

  5. I thought some of you here might be interested in a very talented and gifted writer I came across earlier this year. He's finally gotten around to posting some of his stories on-line.

    He has a real talent for writing, and if you're looking for something you might want to try his stories. The link to them is here: http://www.triond.com/users/JJ+Patton

    I've had the good fortune to read a few things he hasn't posted. I've read Raleigh which is posted. He's also got a new one, Casualty of War, which is posted but I haven't even got to yet, but I will soon.

    Check 'em out, says the crazy raccoon :hehe:

  6. I do sincerely apologize for ranting a bit, and some of my comments were inappropriate - the less said the better.

    However - this forum has a long an proud tradition of thread hijacking. Are you throwing down a challenge to the status quo?

    The forum does but the story topics tend not to. And when they do there is some relevance to the original topic.

    I leave this mess to Des and trust him to act (or not) as he sees fit.

  7. Cole, you seriously expect us to believe Chad would even think about asking his parents if it's OK to have sex? Are you serious? When WBMS was my editor, he made the point, very strongly I might add, that teens do not ask their parents about sex - at least not voluntarily!

    I was very vociferous about it. Kids do not ask their parents if it's okay to have sex. Kids are very awkward about it and most just do it. Very few discuss it with their parents. It's not normal (this is not a gay/straight thing but a TEEN thing).

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