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Tanuki Racoon

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Posts posted by Tanuki Racoon

  1. I used to wear pyjamas to bed until very very very recently. November in fact. When AA lost my luggage. It was late and the only thing I could find at the store was boxers. I bought a pair, slept in them, liked it, and so that's what I wear to bed. That's not day wear because, honestly, I prefer support.

    That's as much of an answer as I'll give :)

  2. I thought it was time for another question. This one's easy and a simple one.

    When answering, please specify what your NORMAL preference is. For example if you normally sleep nude, but because it was really fucking cold today, you wore pyjamas, the answer is still "nude"


    (2) If you go to Control Panels, Settings, Sounds make sure your preference pane (or control panel or whatever you want to call it) is set to send sound to the right place.

    Beyond that, I can't help unless you buy a Mac. But those are two simple things to check.

  4. I used to hope to fit in with other people.

    First, Ele, whether or not you chose to believe it, you DO fit in here. I'd be glad to call you my friend here and in real life. I mean that. And there are very few people I'd say that about -- even fewer where I'd say it publicly.

    The rest of you, kudos for sharing your stories. I suspect I am by far the most private one here. This thread's had me thinking. Thinking hard. Almost like maybe I want to actually share some of me. I might yet do it, but I'm afraid and there's not a whole lot that actually scares me but this does.

  5. Just one man's opinion, of course, but it does seem fiendishly unfair to see foreshadowing about slippering and caning, then not witness the acts, or see a description of the reddened buttocks

    Yeah we know what you want to see. Let your tastes show, eh?

  6. Neil, unlike many forums we generally enjoy, the thread diversifying off topic.

    What he MEANS to say is that our threads take WILD and UNPREDICTABLE turns to the left (never the right).

    PS: Never listen to the orangutan -- he's a senile old pervert.

    PPS: That's why we like him

  7. Okay, not only did I make the time to do this test, but I made up a small spreadsheet so that I could just put a 1 (one) or 0 (zero) next to each question and I would not have to add things up manually.

    Same thing I did :) Oh, God, that's fucking scary.

    There are many more like that, and I resent those kinds of innuendo and intolerance, incompetence and slanting. It is interesting to see what all people can do with each other though. :sad:

    Out of 500 questions, one or two don't make any difference to your score. However a series of YES answers does establish a trend.

    I am shocked that people are getting "better" scores than me. I figured I'd be the pure one. Oh well...

  8. Take this test.

    Be SURE to read the directions. There are sections for both homo/hetero/bisexuals and you gotta get it right.

    One point per YES answer. Add up your points. Subtract from 500. Divide by 5.

    Let's say you get 100 "YES" answers. 500-100=400/5 = 80% pure -- that makes you 80% pure.

    DO NOT LIE. DO NOT SHARE YOUR ANSWERS. Just your total. And use this version of the test so we're all the same.


  9. The first time I decided to actually buy a condom, I drove to another county to a drugstore I'd never been to nor ever go to again. I grabbed them, went to the cash register which was, sadly, being manned by a motherly looking type. This was before price scanners.

    I managed to get one without a price sticker.

    Pretty much right out of the above story, "I need a price check for a Raccoon Size Trojan* three pack, please" I have yet to recover.

    * I do not remember the brand or size. That's the only part made up.

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