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Posts posted by Thirdeye

  1. Thirdeye....You say you don't see a need for gay role models or examples. I'm having a hard time reconciling this statement with your earlier post. In it you said that your brother, who had been homophobic according to another post you did, had two good gay friends. Don't you think that these two gays were responsible, in part, for the change in your brothers thinking? Don't you think that they were not only an example to a straight guy but also gave you the courage to face your fears and begin your coming out? It's people like these two that I'm talking about when I say example or role model. Don't you think, that by denying the need for examples like them, you could be condemning some kid to the misery that you lived from the time you were eleven? Wouldn't you have been happier, even though you were still closeted, to see that there was hope for you when you were older by seeing an example like them much earlier in your life?


    I don't ever remember saying my Brother was homophobic, far from it. He's so open minded its scary sometimes. I also think you missed my point which is these role models that people are looking for are out there they just are not going around door to door and saying "Hi, I'm Joe, Gay, make 100 K a year and live happy with Dave my partner of 10 years and we don't sleep around". Most of these people are content to live their lives happy and thats the way it should be.

  2. I really don't understand the strong need for role models, at least in the way they many here have said are the types they are looking for. Like Cody said "someone living openly and happily with his or her partner". There are many out there I'm sure, its just that they just live there lives and and are not flashing it in peoples faces.

    But even if there was a well known gay, that was manor and well liked would it really help? People are ignorant, and many just buy into stereotypes. There are a lot of black role models and what do we always here from these assholes "He speaks so well", "He acts white". You ask people whats the first thing that comes to their head when you say Jew, Mexican, Polish, Irish and I would bet anything a good number say something along the lines of cheap, lazy, stupid, and drunk. Because that?s what they are know and its even what they see in TVs and movies. So having one good gay role model will not change peoples thinking and maybe it would easier on gay teens in the way of knowing there?s someone else out there, but I still don't see it making it easier for them to come out. The only hope is in the kids going through school now and them learning tolerance, and judging by some of the moron parents out there it could be along time before things change.

  3. I can understand both sides as I am sure most of us can. Its hard and some people in life are just ignorant. I'm 22, so I'm really not a kid nor would I call myself an elder(or let anyone else :wink: ). I'm still not really out but over the last year I've started to take steps. I can't or won't look down on anyone who chooses to hide, how can I? I lived with the fear and let it control for along time. Every single choice I made from the age of 11 until 20 was based on hiding myself. It crippled me and I didn't even know it.

    I realized I was gay when I turned 11, I really didn't understand it or like it or myself for along time. Then one day I almost came out to my best friend who I knew since I was 4, we were in 7th grade and watching a repeat of "My so called life" where the gay kids comes out to his friends, I asked my friend what he would do if "so and so" a mutual friend said he was gay and my friend said "I'd punch him and never talk to him again". now looking back on it if he would have asked me I may have said the same thing, but his words scared the hell out of me and really messed up my thinking for along time. By time I was a Junior in High school I had stopped hanging out with any of my friends and became anti-sociable. I spent all my time away from school in my room or at work. By time I graduated I had no real relationships in my life and believe it not was happy that way, less work in hiding myself.

    When I turned 20 I started hanging out with my brother a found out he actually had two very good gay friends and I realized what a moron I was, and at work I met guy(straight :cry: ) that I just fell hard for, and that was the final push I needed that really showed me how dead my feelings were and I needed to make changes or I'd never be happy. So as I said in another post I told my brother, have met and made friends of a few gay guys and girls, and hoping to tell my Mom in the next few weeks. For the first time since I was 10 I am happy, but as scared, alone, and just miserable as I was, I didn't even know it and it took events to wake me up, and if they didn't happen I may still be playing dead.

  4. Really liked the last chapter. The finding of another angel whos nothing like the others(aleast his state of mind right now) and the more Charles annoys me the more I love him, I guess I'm just sick like that :D

    I can't wait for the next chapter and some of the back round being told.

  5. Thanks dude! My brother is one of the most open minded people I know, and has some very good friends that are gay, that being said its different when its a brother or a son. I was scared out of my mind when I told him and for the two days afterwards when I thought he was in denial and I?d have to go though it all again, then I realized just how cool my bro is and how lucky I am to have him in my life.

  6. For the first time I got up the guts to go to a gay club. This is a big step for me and I had a good time. I guess after 11 years, I'm at the point in life that I've just said "F' it, I'm sick of living like this". The big step happen on October 26 when I came out to my younger brother(whos also my best friend). I have also been tempted to tell my mom and I think she may already know, but decided to wait until after the holidays. Anyway sorry to to go off on a tangent and I know I have not been around long but I guess I'm just jacked up. My hope for New Years is this time next year I will good or bad be living as me for the first time since I was 11 :D

  7. Welcome from another newbie, ThirdEye. :mrgreen:


    BTW-Love the Brian and Pete stories. Lost a lot of sleep with the "just one more chapter" syndrome :)

    And WBMS is not fooling anyone. I've read "Alone by myself" three times since I found it awhile back.

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