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You Are Not Alone - by Dewey


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Dewey has written a powerful and difficult short story, You Are Not Alone.

The story may be hard for some people to read; it may not be for everyone.

The story deals with two friends: one friend who knows something is bothering his friend deeply, and who gets his friend to talk to him, and who listens and supports his friend, who was abused.

The two friends in the story are both brave, both heroes. Dewey is also a hero, for telling a story and a truth that are hard to hear, but need to be told.


I read "You Are Not Alone" a few days ago. Yes, it's powerful. Why?

It shows one young man who overcomes his fears enough to confide in his friend about something no one should have to go through.

It shows another young man who is strong enough to insist that his friend open up to him about what is bothering him and, even more, he listens and cares and refuses to turn away from his friend in need.

Both are brave beyond measure.

I would point out that there are many things other than abuse. Young people can get in over their heads and make mistakes that end up hurting who they're with. People can cause harm simply by what they say and do around someone who's been through something, all the way from thinking less of oneself to thinking there's no one to talk to, no friend, no one to love them, or worst of all, nothing they think is worth living for.

Whether we are gay or straight, whether we are out or closeted, we owe it to the people we care about to let them know we will be there to support them when they have even such intensely private issues as being a survivor of abuse or, for some people, being gay or in the closet.

Let your loved ones (friends and family) know that you are understanding and friendly and supportive about such issues.

I'm not just standing on a soapbox. I'm saying this for me and for friends, for whatever we went through, whether abuse or something else.

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Awesome story. Sadly, sometimes we are alone. Autistic kids cannot even speak to anyone, so how are they going to get help?

Man Accused Of Abusing Autistic Boys He Tutored In Home

From the Associated Press


Rocky River, Ohio - A 33-year-old former classroom aide indicted

on 25 rape charges said in a coffee shop that he believed students and

teachers could share alcohol, drugs and sex, police said.

Police in this Cleveland suburb investigated and arrested Phillip

Distasio after several people reported the conversation to authorities.

He pleaded not guilty last week to charges he sexually abused two autistic boys, ages 11 and 12, who he tutored in his home.

Prosecutors say nine more possible victims have been identified

using journals and videotapes Distasio kept and more charges are likely.

Distasio started working as a classroom aide at a center for the

Positive Education Program, a nonprofit program for mentally and

physically handicapped children, in 2000.

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