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I wrote this tonight and no matter how hard I tried, I could not come up with a title. So

if anyone out there has a suggestion, I'd be happy to hear them.

Jason R.

Duel of Love

By: Jason R.

In the dark confines of a smokey bar

Where gay boys gather from afar

They have come together to this place

To see who will rule forever in this space

The symbol of this friendship war

Between the one named, John

And the broken hearted boy, to be broken no more

Enveloped by a trillion black lights

Bodies groping and touching through the night

To find a one to complete the sum

Looking for that perfect lover but finding none

And the one to decide the fate and the death

Of the one named, John

And the boy who held his breath

The audience had gathered close for this ?fight of the bars?

Friends of the broken hearted boy had arrived, shining like stars

And those that followed the one named John, squealed out

Glaring and smoking in the semi-dark, curses they shout

And for a moment, all who had gathered silence fell

Those of the one named, John

And the boy who had lived his hell

Then a cheer erupted, shouts and screams were loud

As an olive skinned boy stepped up, through the crowd

Arrogantly he pranced, his small hands held high

Trailed by his minions, more than a few queers sighed

And with that grand entrance the outcome was bleak

For the one named, John

And the boy all remembered as weak

Then John cringed, and all his minions shook in pain

As a swell of goodness flowed down, like a cleansing rain

Walking into that dark bar, there he stood awaiting this duel

Neither blinking or cringing, refusing to add fire to this fuel

And there on the finger, a silver band was a gifted ring

To the one named, John

From the boy who urged the night to sing

Then a persona, known both far and wide, appeared in all black

Brandon, the bartender, had been elected to oversee this attack

Opening the book of rules, each side hushed in awe

As the neutral one, cleared his throat, and read what he saw

As he explained, in his soft golden voice

The one named, John

And the boy knew it was he who would make the choice

?Now here?s the rules, and each of you will abide

Once you?re finished, it will be I who decide

The side who is defending, will get the first chance to speak

Then the one who feels wronged, will get the answers he seeks?

Prancing there, a smug expression and glazed eyes

Was the one named, John

As the boy steeled himself for the up-coming lies

John cried out, ?This is your last shot tonight.?

The boy just smiled, he had come prepared for a fight

?You?re dead meat boy,? John yelled with glee

Trying to mentally get the upper hand, to steal a victory

Because jeers and threats had before worked on this one

And the one named, John

Stared at the boy, confident, believing he already won

Then Brandon rang the bell, the crowd cheered, it was on

And John leaped out, making sure his blows were strong

He brought up nights of drugs and casual sex

The boy countered back saying those were things he regret

And the jabs of accusations of cheating and nights of lust

The one named, John

And the boy who still believed that life is a matter of trust

For an hour and five minutes the two battled to a draw

The boy?s hands came down, John was amazed at what he saw

An opening in the boy?s defense, he struck without a sound

The blow of indifference, sent the boy crashing to the ground

Minions roared in victory, encouraging the one still on his feet

While the one named, John

Peered at the boy, while awaiting the ten count of defeat

Brandon the bartender, turned his head

Tears fell from his eyes, signified the boy was dead

Brandon thought the boy would never bend

Yet the ten count would proclaim the battle?s end

But something caused him to tremble through his sweat

This one named, John

Knew in his heart the boy was not finished yet

Before Brandon could begin by saying, ?10?

The boy stirred and held up his bleeding chin

Staring into the eyes of the one he once loved

Somewhere in his heart, maybe from above

He realized the pain he saw in those eyes

Of the one named, John

And the boy, for the first time, broke and cried

?I?m sorry,? the boy said in quiet but calm voice

?For all the times I lied and narrowed your choice.

I know you were pushed and kept from my heart

If it?s okay with you, I?d like a new start?

And with forgiveness, and love in his stare

The one named, John

And the boy clasped hands, and left all the anger there

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What a great poem!

The intrigue and descriptions are well drawn with nice twists that give hope.

As for a title, hmmm. I have thought of several but they all are too revealing, so how about:

"Duel in Love"

"Duel at the Bar"

Or simply "The Duel".

As you can see I think the key to a title hovers around the fact of the duel as such you could play with that,

"A Bout For Love"

On the whole I prefer my first choice, "Duel in Love" as duel suggests duo without revealing anything and (a forgiving) Love is ultimately what it is about.

That's my two cents worth. :icon10:

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I'm torn between 'Duel In Love' and 'Duel Of Love'

Great poem Jason. Your middle name should be Prolific.

J.P.Rimbaud. Then you could start a bank :icon10:

"'ere, I used to know ol' JP 'afore 'e started the bank. Na 'e rules the bleedin' world." They'll say.

Perhaps I'll go now.


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Hey Des,

As a good banker, I'd have to tell you no. There will be no extensions. :icon1:

But as a corrupt poet, just beginning my conquest of the world, I can always be bribed. :icon13:

Let's say, you come over to my house late at night, with a leash, a bottle of peanut butter, and 13.57 in

pennies, dimes, and quarters. I'm sure we can make some kind of arrangement. But we must keep it

on the "down low". :icon1:

Oh yeah, I need a tube of super glue as well.

Leaving the front door open,

Jason R.

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Hey Des,

After having one of the worst days I've had in a long while, last nights posts put a smile on my face.

Thanks for putting up with my twisted sense of humor. It was appreciated and most helpful.

Thanks again.

Jason R.

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Thanks Jason you set my mind to rest. Glad I made you smile.

I understand about bad days. I think there is an over-supply of bad days out there at the moment. :icon13:

Sometimes a twisted sense of humour is what gets us through it all.

Take care

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