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NEWS: Can Magnum PI make you gay?

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The Landover Baptist Church is a spoof site. A very well-done and very funny spoof site! Read what Wikipedia has to say about it: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landover_Baptist_Church. It's so well done that it's easy to think it's a real church, until you begin reading the other pages. :wav:

It's a sad commentary that the Landover Baptist Church sounds so authentic that people actually believe that it's real. Shows how far into the depths of degradation that many so-called Christian churches have fallen. The devil works in mysterious ways, my friends! :lol:

Colin :icon_geek:

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It's a sad commentary that the Landover Baptist Church sounds so authentic that people actually believe that it's real.

Well, either that or it shows hey're great satirists. Let's all try our hand!

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Well, either that or it shows hey're great satirists. Let's all try our hand!

I have to hand it to you TR, that's a great idea TR.

My hands working fine -both of them.

Anyone want to check their hands out? -Please fill in an application form. :icon_geek:

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