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I know we have a few crazy people on the left in America, but we generally don't put them in positions of power. However, there are some really scary, batshit crazy people on the right who are about to get elected. Romney's ahead now, the Republicans are holding the House, they may take the Senate, and...

Death Penalty for Rebellious Kids

Defends Slavery and Calls Lincoln Nazi

Think these are on the fringe? Remember the Georgia Congressman who says "Evolution" and "The Big Bang Theory" are straight from the mouth of Hell? Or maybe that Republican nominee for Vice-President in 2008 who raised money for the secessionist Alaska Independence Party and whose husband was actually a member?

How long will it be before sites like Nifty or even Awesome Dude are removed from the Internet by the Republicans? Remember the Communications Decency Act of 1996? It was only narrowly struck down, and that was with a liberal Supreme Court. Do you think a Romney court would still strike it down?

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That first article was crazy, but it wasn't even written using acceptable English. How can we be asked to support a leader who doesn't know how to use our own language?

Perhaps if he'd learn English, the disciplines of the language would persuade him how stupid he sounds and he'd recant his quackery. But, perhaps he thinks that as the Bible wasn't originally written in English, there's no reason to learn it.


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How long will it be before sites like Nifty or even Awesome Dude are removed from the Internet by the Republicans? Remember the Communications Decency Act of 1996? It was only narrowly struck down, and that was with a liberal Supreme Court. Do you think a Romney court would still strike it down?

Don't worry about AwesomeDude... I'm not making any personal long range plans that extend beyond Election Day 2012, that's less than a month. AD was born overseas and -like ET- can always 'go home!

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